Apr 12, 2005 14:43
I am terribly, terribly tired. Therefore I am going to whine. Feel free to ignore me, or berate me for the lapse, or whatever it is that happens when I whine. I'm generally too drunk to remember it when I do.
Ahem. Please, please my friends, display a little sense! Think about what you intend to do before you do it. Please, please, think! Do you really need to be speaking to me to be reasonable and understand yourselves and our friends? We've known each other for long enough that we should not have such simple, silly problems of communication!
Please, please be good to each other. It exhausts me when you aren't. When you don't look after yourself and you don't take care of the others, or don't let them take care of you... It hurts me, you know. It hurts me terribly.
I want you all to be happy. I want to take you all and shake sense into you, and I want to make it so you're never hurt again. And when you will not tell me what is wrong, or tell me there is something wrong but will not tell me what - I worry. I panic. I hate being expected to make everything better without knowing what is going on.
And I can't solve everything. By all that's divine in humanity you cannot expect me to solve everything! All the good advice in the world doesn't mean a thing if you keep hurting yourselves and hurting the others. Apologizing doesn't help if behavior doesn't change, and there are some things apologizing is simply not going to fix. I can't make it all better.
It's bad enough part of me expects me to. Please, no more guilt trips? (And Jehan, don't you dare apologize to me again for upsetting me - for the love of little green apples, you are not a cruel person! Stop acting as if everyone thinks you are one, as if we did think so we would be quite mad!) And please, please be good to each other.
*sighs* There. I'm done being obnoxious and unreasonable. I think I'll go see if I can't convince my typist to make me cookies. She's depressed enough by the bad weather here that she just might cave.