
Nov 10, 2008 00:51

Water drips down the body; standing on the feet: north to south. Cleansing, a symbol of renewal, yet capable of death. Water - running down the skin every night - washes away impurities and puts the body in a cleansed state which allows for a new beginning upon awakening. Water has many creations within itself. The ocean is a living quarters of endless possibilities. What lies beneath the surface will hide itself from humans eyes forever. It births so many, it feeds so many, and nourishes so many every day.
Mother Earth. Respect your Mother. Beautiful, she is. Powerful, she is. How wonderful it is to breathe in the trees every day. How wonderful it is to lay on her home-grown carpet. How wonderful it is to be in the presence of all the beings she has birthed. And yet, how many are thanful for the phenomena?
What is not seen should be left unseen. What is not heard should be left unheard. Be at peace with the abilities to see, hear, taste, smell, and breath what is given. Don't ask for more, that is selfish.

The most beautiful three white roses lay chambered in a vase above polished wood. Every day each petal expands itself closer to the sunlight (heart of all living things). If only its beauty would last for eternity. Just as if one love embedded between two would last for eternity.

What about reincarnation and birth. For is not every living (moving or non moving) thing alive? It has a cycle. Life then Death, Life then Death. Non moving "beings" have a quite elaborate cycle. Soil births seeds into plants which births blossoms with seeds which fall back into the soil that birth seeds...
When one [plant] has died, it is formed into a new being, perhaps insect.
But why must one think that the cycle of reincarnation starts with an animal then moves to a human being who then reaches nirvana? How many wish to be animal? Animals and plants are quite mysterious being for when being a human, is not all we know and understand are humans' actions? Humans will never know if animals are more intellegent, because most are dumbfounded and take too much pride in their ignorance towards being "atop of the food chain." Keep in mind, humans evolved last. Yet they believe they are the most dominant ones. How ironic.
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