damn you,
People who get tagged need to post in their journal 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I always have to sit in my car until the end of whatever song is playing at the time, even if i'll be late for work.
2. I rinse my nalgene out 3 times with warm water before i fill it up to use every day.
3. I have to sleep on my stomach and fall asleep facing the room. Sobsequently, my bed has to be in a corner so my side and head are protected. This arises form a fear I've had since the 3rd grade that Jack the Ripper was going to come and kill me in my sleep.
4. I have to have things at an odd number. That is, volume on stereos and TVs, numbers of times I wash something, number of shakes of salt i put on my food, number of M&M's... Everything. 12 is the only OK even number.
5. I get obsessive about things from time to time, and have to learn everything about them and basically think nothing about them for a while, then I find something else and move on. This week, The Little Mermaid.
6. I shake out my clothes before I put them on in the morning so that I know nothing has crawled in during the night and made a nest. Again, childhood fear... a hornet crawled into my clothes and stung me one time.
and i tag... no one! go for it if you want, and you're not horrified by my freakishness.