"If I Were a Scholar I Might Be Looking at This More Critically."

Oct 03, 2006 19:15

I hate wasting away my afternoons doing homework. It's usually Statistics homework, too. If I were writing a paper I'd be fine with that.

For Two Reasons:
1) I don't mind writing papers. I like writing.
2) I can write papers a lot faster than I can run through long drawn out random samplings.

I think that if I weren't constantly working towards small momentary goals I would have gotten bored by now and dropped out of college. Seriously, this shit is fucking boring. And I know I could be getting an equal education back in Concord. It seems sort of futile to me to be this far from everyone/my stuff just for this. I don't know... what's saying I wouldn't be equally/more bored back in Concord? I don't know, I just bet I could also get a job a lot easier back on Concord... this shit is ridiculous.

No one will hire me. That is: the few people who have even taken my application won't hire me. Most places just tell me "Oh... we have a lot of applications in already... sorry?"
I should (want to) get a data processing job or something. Something where I sit inside on a computer all day. Something along those lines. Not having to deal with people... very little labor... mostly typing and thinking about shit... I'm down. But I know they won't be into me.

As I was saying:
At the end(usually) of every week I have something going on, and that's really all I have to work towards. Sure, eventually I'll be getting a degree in something, but that's too far off to really motivate me. But aspiring to something on a thursday seems to make the week go by surprisingly fast, so that's a plus. Do something thursday, go practice on friday and saturday (sometimes Sunday aswell).

I'm thinking about taking some recording classes in college. I have that idea(fear) that I'll get there with my minimal knowledge of recording and everyone else will be way ahead of me and it'll suck. So I'm thinking about taking them over the summer at DVC. Maybe. Might be cool.

Going to the protest on Thursday. I don't know anyone else who's going. Weird.

-Ryan Amazing
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