SWS MasterPost

Oct 02, 2010 06:32


Created by Adam:

*In the middle of nowhere, hitchhiking*
*****with connected RP over here: Seems our little man's growing up.
Crap! *tries to hide demon eyes*
*reading book* ...That's my full name?
*guiltily* I might've created Slender-Man... Accidentally.
S'getting harder to control my powers...
*studying his wings* They're still growing...
Seems rebellion runs in the family...
Uncle Gabe's training me... Trickster Training.
*Turns every nearby CD/Cassette/MP3player into Queen*
* Who wants puppies? Only half Hellhound
* Fergus McCloud? *Smirk* You're kidding, right?
* *Trapped in Holy-Oil encircled Devil's Trap*
* *wandering around castle, clearly doesn't belong*

All the others:

[ standing in the park, watching Gladstone. ]
Wonder if wood pecker's get headaches.
That didn't go according to plan.
I do believe in happy endings.
The velociraptors are my fault, sorry!
We’ve been asked to leave town.
I'm not dead. Tricked you, again!
I don't like my new school.
[Holding tight] You're safe, 'sall right...
[Beating crap out of punching bag.]
[ This isn't happening. This isn't happening. ]
Of course, you wouldn't really know.
What the Hell do you want?!?
[Sigh.] When was your last confession?
What the hell was that for???
Do things that never were fear?
First Halloween above ground in decades.
*Might be making little fire works.*
Chill in the air. [Ruffles wings.]
*looks around the old house* Lestat?
*Screeches to a stop* You in?
Busty Asian Beauties is very educational.
[Grooming his ruffled and neglected wings.]
One last chance, just say 'Yes'.........
How d'you get these wings working?
Earth's got life, Heaven has structure.
Always thought Raphael was a dick.
No, I'm the METATRON. Not Megatron.
* Hey, has anyone seen Adam recently?
* [Zooming through Walmart's toy section.] WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
* [Looking into YOUR SOUL...humiliating you.]
* So... anyone up for gin rummy?
* What is your worst childhood memory?
* Another fare... then I'll go home
* Halloween better stay quiet this year.
* [Angrily throwing rocks at the lake.]


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