Apr 26, 2006 10:22
"Once you've been tagged, you have to write
a blog with 8 facts/things/habits about
yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end
you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged
and list their names. No tag backs."
jeanette tagged me
and like a lsor i am actually going to do this
1) i live for crowd surfing amd mosh pits
2) im a sucker for live music, live guitar will trance me
3) my best guy friend in miami (Luis) plays guitar in a band. i tease him about him sucking, but he plays so good it makes you want to die inside
4) tory & ezgi know all my secrets and are my personal shrinks, along with torys mom.
5) I recently saw a movie about human trafficking that got me scaredd about going to 3rd world countries.
6) Luis wrote me a song
7) my boyfriends english has improved over the past 6 months dramamtically.
8) cyka ya obyu tebya <--- this mean "bitch, ill kill you"
I tag...
1) tory
2) jessie
3) kim
4) alyssa
5) Natasha
6) colleen