I have some 'splaining to do!

Jul 18, 2008 09:29

I'm alive!  Well, some of you know this because I have commented on your blogs.  If I haven't commented...It's not because I don't love you too!  I've just been distracted...

Specifically, as it pertains to lj, I have been twittering.  Yes, I'm one of THOSE.  It's just so easy and I think it's built for the modern (read: short) attention span.  It's so much easier to craft a 140 character tweet than to create a blog post.  It's not that blog posts don't have their place.  They DO.  It's just that I haven't had time to blog a lot of my (mis)adventures and in the interest of sanity, I find it easier to just blurt random things out on Twitter than to let them stew in my head until whenever I get around to blogging about that particular subject.  Also, Twitter has the allure of instant gratification.  Mmm....

Additionally, I am on FriendFeed and find it soooo awesome!  I see it as an on-demand social network aggregate.  By connecting with friends who usually send me links throughout the day, I can bypass the e-mails and IMs and just see what they're bookmarking/digging/blogging/twittering/flickring, etc., all at once.  I can click on whatever looks interesting or ignore whatever is not, bypassing having to say anything in IM or e-mail.  If something is really cool, I'll mention it the next time I talk to them, "Hey, that was a great post you wrote."  If not, I say nothing.  Another cool thing is finding out that you share an interest that you've never discussed before. "I saw you bookmarked that article on bi-racial dwarf couples...I loved it too!"  And so on.  But you don't HAVE to share all of your networks.  It's a pick and choose thing. You share whatever you want when you're ready.

So that's where I've been.  There are a few things I want to post here in the next few weeks.  I'll do that.  Also, I have my photography blog to update.  So much to do!  And that's good :)  Doing stuff makes me happy.

Follow me on Twitter here! http://twitter.com/hulz
Be my shadow on FriendFeed! http://friendfeed.com/hoolz

networking, blogging, twitter, friendfeed

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