Nov 08, 2008 16:37
Yesterday was a day just like any other. I went to Katipunan for rehearsals which I was not fully into but got thrown over a table nevertheless. Ended up in a garage sale and tried to drop in on some old friends and new friends too, but ended up staying and buying a round of drinks for my jokes that yielded dead air. Hey, I can't help it if I have inside jokes between me and myself. Played Rockband again for the third day in a row and for some reason I can't escape this game, which makes me think that I lead a too usual life, that of a Ateneo college student and I'm not sure if that's a good thing yet.
I've put the brakes on my life ever since the break started, not thinking too much. Actually, I've been putting off thinking. I try with a lot of might to ward off thoughts that result to contemplating stuff because I'd rather be not in it for a while. I've been putting a pause on being pensive, but this doesn't seem to be working too much.
Yesterday was a day just like any other, except I got some thrill from meeting someone new and liking that someone for humor and being alike in bitterness and depth. Here's a toast to finding someone and having a shoulder to cry on, despite their being passed around, it's good to be imaginitive and not have a point or a punchline in some stories anyway.
I noticed that I'm a good friend of couple. I was thinking, if my couple friends got married, I wouldn't be sure where to station myself, as a friend of the groom or friend of the bride. Which led me to thinking about my current status before I could police myself, and I felt weird about being alone and not having anyone look for me when I'm not home by 2AM and when I've been awake for two days, at some point having fun from being a passenger in a car that was driven loudly and haphazardly, or probably bringing people to my apartment and playing Taboo and eating pizza and watching Rent yet again.
Yesterday was a day just like any other, and so was the other day. The night is young and so are we (but some people are not), so maybe today will be different. After all, maybe these are my glory days and I'm not even realizing it.