"this ones called fix you"

Apr 28, 2012 08:36

Last night I saw Keane do a Q&A and a. "30" minute gig (ok it was 45) honestly no band charges me up emotionally like they do, i was the in front row in tears during some of the new songs god I NEED that album.

When I got to London I kinda felt a bit rotten plans going AWOL and feeling left out of things upset me, I had three hours to kill so I took my time (I'm glad I did), I got shit on when having a coffee in Waterloo (to kill time) the only thing that made me smile was that it is lucky and it sure was, then I got some food went to the venue and then txt the girls I was meeting (one of them was my plus one!) and as I did I spotted a tall thin bloke who looks like Richard Hughes ..... Um it was Richard Hughes (their awesome drummer), we talked gigs, photography and how grateful I'am their music has pulled me though my darkest days we had a photo together and the girls showed up I took a group one, Rich went inside and we then got a coffee I've fallen on my feet I've met some lovely Keane fans! Anyway got front row I laughed loudly, ahem but the Q&A was hilarious a lot of Tim could of been in Coldplay talk (leading into him going into clocks during the performance) then the performance was GRAND,
I got Rich's water ha! And felt very smiley afterwards.
We waited a bit saw Jessie bomb off and we decided to walk to the tube ....
When we got over the first road Steff wanted to go on the swing as we turned around BAM!
we bump into Rich and Tim who were walking to the tube, I walked with Tim (if you know me you know I ADORE Tim) I again thanked him for pulling me though, how they should come to Cornwall again and my birthday (he wished me happy birthday and hoped I would have fun weds night) we shook hands bidded him and rich goodnight and we girls separated,
me and Charlotte went on the victoria line as we were walking I mentioned my tattoo I want to get and was being my loud hobby self so you could hear me Tim walked past us and said "I'm not listening honest" ..... Lol! He was bombing on and I shouted "don't forget Lima!!!" he said he'll put it in his diary I shouted thanks he then turned and cracked the most GORGEOUS SMILE! I honestly died we then got to the platform and he was at the other end cue giggles from me, TYPICAL!

We then got on our train home and I'm now in my old bed in Winchester at my aunts and yes I do still miss this place today I'll chill and possibly see shelley but chilling is my main ideal.

But I've done it ok it took a little longer but I've seen my five favourite bands over the past year! Thanks Keane! Feeling good for it too.

"Maysie: embarrassing herself infront of Tim Rice-Oxley since 2009"

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