I am embarrassed to admit that I've only just replied to comments left for my two
ficadron submissions. I had decided to wait until the end of the fest to reply - I didn't trust my ability to reply anonymously until voting was over! - but it went on for a lot longer than I thought it would, and by the time it was done and dusted I'd quite forgotten that I hadn't replied over there. To be completely truthful, it also wasn't the best experience I've ever had with a fest and I didn't care to revisit it for awhile (this had nothing to do with how either submission was received, people were very kind about both, but more to do with other issues).
Anyway, I have now replied to the lovely comments that were left and I thought it was probably also time I posted the entries over here.
These were both huge departures for me - the first, an angst-filled vampire story (Gerard Way has a lot to answer for!); the second, a story told in the form of ten 100 word drabbles (those of you who have been around here for awhile will know all about my unhappy history with drabbles, and therefore will understand my terror when this one was finally posted).
Early Sunsets Easier to Run