Hulk Loves Tony Chapter 5 of ?

Jun 08, 2012 16:20

Chapter 5: Firsts

I know this chapter is a different style, but I wanted to segment their life over a six week period, just little fragments of things that happened. Next chapter will be back to normal and this is still a chapter fic.


Six weeks later, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner were officially a couple having gone a whopping sixteen dates in sixteen different countries. Maybe not officially official, since no one else knew yet. During those six weeks, there were a lot of firsts for the duo.


The first date...

Tony walked into the restaurant as if he owned the place, which of course he did. He had bought the charming place that morning and subsequently cleared all the reservations, so Bruce and Tony could have a more intimate setting for their first dinner together. They had flown on his private jet, taken his best limo, and arrived at the beautiful little restaurant in Persia. So, maybe Tony was trying to show off a bit, but why not? "Tony. This is amazing."


"Yes. Really." Bruce asked incredulously. "Did you rent out the whole place just for us?"

Tony pursed his lips as they were seated. He ordered the most expensive bottle of wine and shooed the waiter away. "I may have bought the place."

He avoided Bruce's eyes as Bruce's jaw dropped. "You bought the restaurant?"

"It's not a big deal. I buy lots of things, all the time in fact. I am a multi-billionaire." Tony said downplaying his actions.

"Still. That's really-" Bruce trailed off, shaking his head.

"Really what? Stupid? Sentimental? A disgusting show of wealth? Could you give me an idea of how badly I screwed this up?" Tony voice turned slightly high-pitched as he continued to avoid his date's eyes.

"Only you would think this was a screw-up. It's sweet and amazing and just adorable." Bruce smiled happily.

Tony screeched indignantly. "Tony Stark is NOT adorable!"

The first kiss as a couple...

Their first date ended jovially. Tony and Bruce entered the mansion discussing string theory and the reverse polarity of the Iron man repulsion rays, simultaneously. Suddenly, Tony stopped speaking, looking around as he suddenly realized they had arrived home. "I had a lot of fun Bruce. More than I've had in a long time."

"Me too."

They stood awkwardly for a minute or two before Tony moved quickly. "Screw this!" He grabbed Bruce and pulled him into a deep kiss. They both pulled away breathless. Tony smiled apologetically. "I got impatient." They continued to explore one another's mouths for a while before deciding to call it a night. They parted for their respective areas with wide smiles.

The first time Bruce Hulked out at the Mansion.

"I want to show you something." The comment came seemingly out of nowhere. Bruce and Tony were watching a movie, cuddling on the couch when Tony spoke softly. "If you don't mind."

"Now? We're in the middle of the movie."

Tony lowered his eyes. "It can wait. Nevermind." He turned his attention back to the movie, but Bruce continued to survey Tony. His body was practically thrumming with anxiety.

"No. It's fine. We can pause it. I was just surprised. You love this movie." Bruce said, budging his boyfriend.

"True, but this is more important." Tony insisted.

"Okay, then show me. Lead the way!"

Tony led him through the maze of hallways to a room Bruce had never seen before. Tony hesitated, glanced at Bruce anxiously and opened the door. The door was thick and heavy as Tony yanked it open. Bruce entered and looked around the room. It looked like a normal room, if not poorly decorated. "Um, it's a nice room?" Bruce said in confusion.

Tony smiled. "It's soundproof and in my opinion impossible to break. The decorations are cheap, so it won't matter if they break. Anything in here can be easily replaced."

Bruce confusion faded as he started shaking. "Is-is this a cage?"

Tony's smile dropped instantly. "No. No! It's a room to hulk out if you need to and it's not a cage and you don't have to use it and-"Bruce growled as his body started changing. "Bruce? It's not a cage. It's not. I promise. I would never put you in a cage." Suddenly Tony wasn't pleading his case to Bruce anymore. "It's not a cage."

Hulk eyed him carefully, then growled in his face. Tony didn't back down. "I would never put you in a cage. I like you. This is your room Hulk. You can smash this room whenever you need to. I'll buy more for you to smash when this stuff breaks. I did not build you a cage. I built you a playroom. Can you see that?"

Hulk growled and sat down. "Hulk see."

Tony sighed in relief and sat next to him. "Does Bruce?"

Hulk looked at him and roared. He stood up again and Tony followed. "Bruce sad. Bruce scared. Tony room scared Bruce."

Tony frowned. "Do you want me to take it back? I can take the room apart if you want."

"No. Hulk like room. Hulk smash." He proceeded to do just that. Tony left him to it and waited outside the room until he heard the noise die down. He entered again. The Hulk was panting and smiling. "Tony make good room."

Bruce woke up to a smiling Tony. "Hulk liked his present. Do you?"

Bruce looked around at the destruction in the room. He sighed. "It's not a cage?" Tony shook his head, waiting anxiously for the answer. Bruce nodded and stood up. "If he likes it, then I like it too."

The first time Bruce planned a date

Tony walked into the living room happily. "I made reservations for tonight at-" He cut his words short as he rounded the corner into the dining area and found a romantic dinner set out. "You made dinner? I didn't know you could cook."

Bruce nervously stood by the kitchen. "Do you like it?"

Tony smiled a real true smile, very unlike his patented Tony Stark smirk. "It smells delicious." Then, shyly he added. "Did you not like the other dates?"

"No. No, of course I did." Bruce explained, approaching Tony quickly. "But you always plan everything and make everything so perfect for us. I wanted to do something for you."

The tension fell from Tony's shoulders. "Okay. Well, Thank you. It's really nice and it looks really good. I didn't mean to sound ridiculous."

"You didn't."

"Good. I'm starving."

"Then, lets eat."

Their first time in bed which ended up being the 30th time they did not have sex.

Neither was ready for this yet, so neither of them brought it up for a long time. Eventually, Tony just blurted it out one day in the lab. "Are we ever going to have sex?"

Bruce blushed and stammered. "I thought you didn't- I mean I don't know if- How would we- I'm not sure if-"

Tony kissed him to shut him up. "I'm not rushing you, just wondering if you think about it."

"Of course I do. You are a sexy man Mr. Stark."

Tony smiled shyly. "As are you Dr. Banner." Tony paused and fiddles with the machine he was working on. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to sleep with me tonight."

Bruce looked startled. "You just said-"

"Not sleep with me, just go to sleep in the same bed as me and maybe cuddle if you wanted." His voice softened to a whisper.

Bruce smiled widely. "Absolutely. It's already midnight. Let's go. We can finish this tomorrow." Tony let himself be pulled away from the lab easily.

The first time Tony contemplated having a future with Bruce

"It's the law of relativity. You can't argue a scientific law!" They proceeded to have a detailed discussion where Tony did just that. At the end, Bruce ran out of arguments. "You know what Tony? If you want to disprove gravity, then go ahead and try. Just don't go kill yourself in the process."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Of course I can't disprove it, but maybe just change it, tweak it a little." Tony smiled at Bruce's look of exasperation. "you are so adorable when your forehead gets all crinkly. I just want to kiss you."

Bruce made a face. "Not with your morning breath, you won't."

"I do not have morning breath. Besides you love it." Tony smiled, smashing a kiss into Bruce's uncooperative face.

"No. I put up with it."

Tony smiled as Bruce got out of bed to get dressed. He sat watching him for a while. "I could get used to this." He mumbled as he turned over and went back to sleep. Seeing this, Bruce threw a pillow at him. "I need my beauty sleep!" He whined.

"Too bad. You promised me a breakfast date and it's already nine. Remember?" Bruce replied, pulling him out of bed.

Tony groaned and got up grudgingly. "Of course I do. Why does that have to take place in the morning?"

The first time Tony had to defend Bruce

There was a mandatory meeting at SHEILD and Tony was spinning in his chair, round and round, steadily ignoring Director Fury as he rambled on and on. Then he took in Bruce's face, which was resigned and sad. He ran the lecture from Fury through his head again, trying to figure out what he had missed. "Oh Hell No! You will not lock him up. He's staying with me. Go screw yourself, Cyclops."

"Tony. He's right. It's dangerous." Bruce said.

"Do not let this fuckhead get in your head. He's trained to do that Bruce. Ignore him. That's what I do."

"I am dangerous." Bruce replied attempting to be reasonable.

"Oh for the love of-" Tony got up aggravated and got in Bruce's face. "Hulk change! Now!"

And suddenly Hulk was standing where Bruce had been. Everyone backed up except Tony. He just smiled. "Hey big guy. Can you say hello to Director Fury please?"

"Hulk no like one eye man." He grumbled folding his arms defiantly.

Tony laughed, but said. "I know. Me either, but can you say hello and promise not to destroy anything or hurt anyone while you are staying with me."

"Hulk break Hulk room?" He asked confused.

"Yes. You can still break anything and everything in the room I built for you, just nothing else. Is that a deal?"

Hulk nodded his massive head and looked at Fury. "Hulk no break world one eye man." Tony was still laughing when Bruce showed up stark naked. "What the hell Tony?"

Tony continued to laugh as he walked away. Fury nodded at Dr. Banner. "Point made Stark. I won't lock him up."

"Like I would have let you anyway. Like he would have let you. Come on Brucie!" Tony called over his shoulder. Bruce followed quickly and took the clothes Tony threw to him.

They made their way quickly to the exit as Bruce admitted. "I thought you were agreeing with him. You weren't really saying anything."

Tony looked at him like he had turned into a bubble gum pink hulk. "Well, of course I wasn't saying anything. I tuned him out five minutes in. I always do. Next time nudge me or something. Jesus, you know I'd never let him lock you up."

"I know. I don't know why I thought you would. How'd you get him to change his mind, anyway?"

"Hulk promised not to smash." Bruce stopped dead in his tracks. Tony kept walking until he realized his boyfriend wasn't behind him anymore. "What?"

"The other guy promised not to smash? How did you pull that off?" Bruce asked.

"I told you he likes me. Did you not believe me or something? Why wouldn't you believe me? Every one likes me. Well, almost everyone. Besides, I told him he could smash his room all he wanted as long as he doesn't destroy people or cities." Tony explained.

"What if we need him in battle?"

Tony looked at him steadily. "Are you expecting a battle anytime soon?"

"No one expects a battle, unless they are a soldier." Bruce replied rolling his eyes.

"Hmmm, maybe they should. If we need him to smash, I'll ask him to smash."

"That simple huh?" Bruce laughed dryly.

"Yep." Tony said succinctly.

"You amaze me."

Tony raised him arms in the air and bellowed. "Good. Bask in the glory that is Tony Sta-Hmph." Bruce elbowed him in the stomach and walked away laughing..

And Vise Versa

The first time Captain America paid a visit to The Stark Manor in Malibu, he was in awe. He had been debating this trip for weeks, but his curiosity outweighed his trepidation.

Tony answered the door in sweatpants and a tee-shirt. He was mostly covered in grease. "Hey Cap! How can I help you?"

"You have grease on your nose." Bruce walked in as Steve said that.

Tony wiped at his face, making it worse. "Did I get it?"

"Yes, if by get it you mean cover your face is black goo." Bruce deadpanned.

Tony smiled at him. "Oh well, I guess I'm just meant to wear grease today."

Captain America shook his head. "I was hoping I could speak with you on a personal manner. You are welcome to stay as well, Dr. Banner."

"Sure Cap. Whatcha need?" Tony asked plopping on the couch and putting his feet up.

"I was wondering if I could speak to you about your father, Howard. No one is left from my former life and I have no one I can ask about the people I considered friends and family. I just wondered who he became, how he met your mother, if he remained friends with the people we knew. Is there anything you can tell me?" Steve asked with a keen look of interest on his normally stoic face.

Tony's demeanor changed rapidly. His expression closed off and Bruce watched him worriedly. "Nope. Nothing I can tell you. Bye Cap." Tony got up and attempted to make his way to the lab.

Steve intercepted him."Please Tony. I'm not asking for a lot. Just something. Anything. Please."

Tony's eyes darted around the room and he ground out. "My father was an unloving bastard. My mother was a drunk. He was friends with a guy named Obadiah Stane who tried to kill me a couple years ago. That good? We done?" Tony stormed away.

Steve tried to storm angrily after him, but Bruce stepped in his way and let Tony leave before speaking. "He obviously doesn't want to talk about this."

"I don't have anybody left from my life. I don't need sarcasm. I just need to talk to someone who knew them. Someone. Anyone."

"You should try Director Fury, Captain. He knew Mr. Howard Stark." JARVIS informed them.

Captain America looked surprised, but pushed it aside. "I don't understand why he can't just talk to me about-"

"You seem to think Tony has the easiest life in the world. He isn't. You don't know that he was being sarcastic. For all you know everything he said was as serious as you or I. If he doesn't want to talk to you about his father, then there is a reason. You will respect that or I will make you." Bruce spoke quietly, but his eyes were flaming with anger.

Steve replied angrily, narrowing his eyes. "Are you threatening me with the Hulk?"

Bruce laughed. "I wouldn't need the other guy to make your life hell. Now, if you would kindly get the hell out of here. JARVIS make sure he leaves."

"I'm still your leader. You can't talk to me like this."

"We are not in battle. You are in my residence and I am telling you to get out. Now!"

Steve stood his ground for a moment, then stormed away. Bruce waited until he heard the door slam before heading straight to Tony. He was running around, working on multiple projects. "Hey." Bruce said in his general direction as he darted around.

"Hey. Look, I know we had plans, but I'm probably going to work through the night." Tony sounded apologetic, but firm. "I'm sorry."

"Alright. That's fine. Anything you need my help with?" Bruce asked amicably, letting Tony keep his secrets.

Tony relaxed marginally, but responded in the negative. "It's faster if I do it myself, but thank you."

Bruce let his eyes linger on Tony for a minute. "I'll see you later than." He didn't see him later. Tony locked himself in the lab for four days, stumbling into bed on the fifth and cuddling as if his life depended on it. "Missed you Tony." Bruce kissed him gently. Tony smiled as he drifted off and mumbled. "Mifd ooo too."


The one first they had not had yet was their first fight and neither of them were looking forward to it. They weren't exactly walking on eggshells around each other, but they were trying to keep the peace as best they could. Their first fight, when it did happen, got blown out of proportion because of all the little things they had held in.

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