Drabbles for Shimotsuki (and Sirius :)) - "Celebrating with Family"

Nov 04, 2015 15:32

Characters: Sirius Black, Walburga Black, James Potter
Rating: G
Word Count: 2 x 100
Summary: Sirius celebrates his birthday with his family. Twice.
Notes: Let's try this again, shall we? ;))
Happy (belated) Birthday, dear shimotsuki! I hope your day was full of wonderful things (and much more similar to Sirius' birthday in the second drabble than the first one :)) ♥

When he wakes up, the starched linens make his skin itch. November greyness spreads across the room, he can sense it without opening his eyes.

He walks over to the window, glances at sticky leaves covering wet asphalt. Through a haze of hostile boredom he hears approaching footsteps, the metallic click-click-click that could only belong to Mother.

“Another new year,” she tells him. Ah, yes. It’s his birthday. “Do get dressed, Sirius. Breakfast won’t wait.” And then she leaves.

Sometimes, he dreams about the world outside of Grimmauld Place.

But today, he reaches for his robes and joins the others.

: : :

After breakfast, they step outside. It’s got colder during the night, rays of low November sunshine fight their way through the frosty mist. Sirius forces the tip of his shoe under a crust of ice and smiles when it cracks.

“Happy birthday,” says James, “old friend.”

“Old enough to enjoy the party you’ve all been secretly planning,” says Sirius.

The distant horizon is radiant, full of promises of the world beyond. Today, Sirius has no need for it. He throws an arm around James’ shoulder.

“Come on,” he says, looking for the rest of his own. “Let’s join the others.”

character: james potter, happy birthday, character: sirius black, fandom: harry potter, drabbles, character: walburga black, my fic

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