Schools back in

Aug 10, 2011 20:03

The kids started school last week.  It's been a challenge for me.  We got Kavan's schedule changed to some of the classes he requested but he wasn't able to get into a drawing class so he's stuck with visual arts.  He's enjoying life as "freshmeat" and says High School isn't as bad as some people made it seem.  He's got classes with friends from last year and is slowly adjusting.  I'm still trying to adjust to how his school operates.  They don't do block schedule like I was used to.  Instead they do a 4 block for half the year and then a different 4 block the other half.  He's in classes longer and can't miss much class time which is hard on his doctor appointments.  Try finding a doctor with openings after school hours. urrrrr.
Landan is doing well.  He's still adjusting to his new teacher, riding the bus with Kavan and he's got a new special ed teacher this year.  Both his special ed teacher and his classroom teacher need to adjust to him as well.  I'm waiting for an IEP meeting since I wasn't pleased with the one they had at the end of last year.  (I wasn't included due to mis-communication which is a whole different story). 
My new boss has been on board for almost two weeks.  He seems very nice and interested in my job duties.  This has made my work load go from a 2 to a 10 (which is a good thing but oh so busy)!  Plus I have inspection next month so on top of my normal work load, I've been busy preparing everyone for the inspection. 
Rob's still away at school.  I found the other me so things are going better.  I miss the help and having him around to calm me down.  Him being away makes me think of my friends who are going through another deployment.  If they can do it, I sure as heck can too.  He's been enjoying his time at Bliss and making many trips to their PX : )  I can't wait to see goodies! hahaha  He's doing well on his tests so I guess he deserves treats too.  
I'm almost done with my Chiropractic appointments.  I go back on Monday for my follow up xray and exams.  I'm excited to see the change.  Heck, I feel so much better already...I just hope I look like i've gotten younger and no longer look like a 80 year old in xrays. 
well, I've got a cat running from a dog- a dog driving me crazy. She's been so good...which she'll be great if she can just learn to leave the cat alone. 
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