Ten years ago I was
- 10 years old, hating Mrs. Sherriff in the 4th grade
- Struggling with cursive and long division
- having my ear surgery
- stressing about the 4th grade proficiencies... lol
Five years ago I was
- 15 and freshman at Garfield
- having the best time of my life, skipping study hall everyday with Steph Scales
- obsessed with Kevin
- throwing Jess a "suprise" birthday party just to get her out of orchestra
Three years ago I was
- 17 and a senior in high school!
- working at Schroder in the Alzheimers unit
- dealing with my Grandmas and uncles deaths
- fighting with Richie, falling in love with Jeremy
One year ago I was
- beginning my second year at Miami and really starting in on my Speech Path classes
- living in Minnich with Katie
- Involved in about every club on campus
- happy not to have to work
Yesterday I
- took my big audiology exam
- did some homework at Brill
- threw mulch at Jeremy while he was sitting alone on the bleachers, so funny
- got my oil changed
Today I
- just woke up
- am waiting for Jeremy to get up so we can go to the Ren Fest
- peed
- brushed my teeth/put in my contacts
Five Snacks I enjoy:
- chocolate chip cookies
- mint chocolate chip ice cream
- breadsticks
- eggrolls
- cake
Five Songs I Know All The Words To: only 5?!
- Anna Nalick - Breathe
- Black Eyed Peas - My Humps
- Usher - Yeah
- Ludacrious - What's Your Fantasy?
- Tim McGraw and Faith Hill - It's Your Love
Five Things I Would Do With $100,000,000
- pay for all of college
- help my family out
- help my friends out
- buy a new car/new house/shopping spree
- save
Five Places I Would Run Away To
- Savannah, GA
- Europe
- Jibby
- South
- Northwest
Five Things I Will Never Wear
- a bikini
- Leotard
- Spandex
- puke green
- anything that makes me look like a fatty
Five Favorite TV Shows
- Laguna Beach
- Sweet Sixteen
- Gilmore Girls
- Making the Band :)
- VH1 Shows
Five Bad Habits
- cussing
- biting my nails
- being bossy/naggy
- sleeping
- overreacting
Five Biggest Joys
- family
- friends
- fall!
- animals, including the cat thats sitting in my lap
- rain, when im cozy inside
Five Favorite Toys
- computer
- frisbee
- card games
- the cat toy, lol
Five People I Think Should Do This
- savy
- jason
- andy
- ashley
- jibby