Yay! I Get To Be Dutch! And Be Played By Colin Firth!

Nov 17, 2004 23:57

A turtle? okay. yeah. sure.

So, have any of you missed me?
well guess what? You're gonna feel guilty now 'cause I've got pneumonia. Or, as my little brother says- ammonia (pro.- A-MOAN-NIA)
So yeah, that'll teach you guys not to get all worried about the state of my well-being. huh?

On the up side, I have caught up on my Dr. Phil. So Yay!!!
Speaking of TV, everyone should watch Lost. No, I don't care if you people have lives. This show has so much salty-goodness in the man department, I needed a something that isn't very salty. A piece of pie, if you will. Since most pie contains fruit, I'm assuming that they aren't very salty.
Did any of that make since?
No? I guess I'm delirious with fever (102 at last check)

So, hope I don't have a fever tomorrow. Because if I do, mom's not letting me go to Dickson.
Although, since I sound like Demi Moore with a hangover, (what with my lungs filling up with mucus) I don't think my speech on the war is going to be all that inspiring.

All right kids, I'm gonna make like a tree and leaf. You know, I never have gotten that. How can I "leaf" when leaf is a noun? hmmm...ponder that for a while chaps, ok?
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