I AM the BBC!!!

Feb 10, 2011 16:28

Today the BBC sent me an e-mail offering me a job!!!

Well, not really. They said they thought I might be suited to a job at the new Salford centre thing they're building. So they told me to do this incredibly LOOOONNNNGGGG application on-line. There was about half an hour of 'watch this scenario and tell us what YOU would do!' and then 'tell us how you like to work in an office environment' and then an hour of 'read this stuff' and then a series of questions about the stuff I just read. The last section was 'personality' and had questions about 'do you get along with other people easily?' and 'are you trustworthy?' The best bit was, at the start of this personality section it said; "Please answer these questions honestly. If you do not WE WILL FIND OUT and you will be in danger of LOSING YOUR JOB!! D: My god! They might find out I get uneasy around other people! GASP!

In other news...


In further news...

I spent the last two days reading Otherland by Tad Williams. Buddha's balls! Whatever he did between writing The Dragonbone Chair.... I mean, yeah, it's more than ten years between them, but fuck, he's like a different author. It's kind of like The Matrix but with characters who are interesting. I've got book 2 in the series, River of Blue Flame and may start that today. :)

In special news...

I sent of tDP to the editor!! Eeeep! I'm quite nervous as the changes have been substantial. It's sometimes hard for me to keep track of what changes have been at what stages. I looked at the first ever draft (something NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO BE ALLOWED TO SEE EVER unless they ask me nicely and pay me) and was horrified! XD
I'm planning out both The Sea-Stone Sword and The Timeless Stone at the moment. The latter being the third in the main series and the former the first in the prequel series. That's not confusing at all!
Anyway, in tTS (see, I've already got my initialisms ready!) there's a cool scene with Philip and the revealing of one of the major FORESHADOWINGS. It's first uttered in the Pengish language (Irish Gaelic) and sounds pretty cool to me; "An faolchu ag deireadh an domhan." If you can translate it, go right ahead. ;D Not that it'll mean much to you unless you read the prologue to tTS (and the rest of the book, of course). So I don't know why I'm telling you all this other than to say "Ooooh! Shiny words!"

dinosaur prince, otherland, dragonbone chair, timeless stone, sea-stone sword, jobs, fucking wizard, fail

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