So, I thought I'd get around to showing off my awesome tunic of awesome! :D
I had to borrow a sibling's camera for this flight of insanity. Be warned, contains my FACE and will make you throw up a little...
I love the little decorations on the ends of the sleeves and neck. I will probably get a new belt, though. Or go back to the bit of rope I used last year. I think the rope may be better for Radagast. Any thoughts?
POINTY HAT! AND EPIC ROBE! I love my wizard robes, I really do! I wear it far, far too often to be healthy. XD
Next on my list of things for the costume is a pair of brown trousers and some boots. May end up using the same ones again, but if I see something more appropriate I'll see what happens.
In other news...
Steven Moffat says that Doctor Who series 6 will be split into two halves. Seven episodes from Easter and then another seven in October/November. Not sure how I feel about this. It means more episodes. It also means WAITING. D:< Mind you, as SM pointed out, it means you never have more than a few months wait for the next Who...
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