I mentioned this a while back, but I thought I'd do a proper post on it because it amuses me somewhat.
My grandparents found a bunch of photos of myself and my siblings as children. Well, smaller children than we are now. :P
The most astonishing / blindingly obvious thing about them is... I have always been a nerd. XD cosplaying seems to be something ingrained in my psyche or something because I seem to have been doing it since I was about three. Anyway, for your collective amusement / disgust, here are some highlights...
Here we have me, age three or four (I think?) dressed as the a Doctor. I actually can vaguely remember this! Or, at least, I remember always wearing the lab coat and stethoscope to a local park, much to the vexation of my parents. XD
Not cosplaying, but me having tea in a hilarious jumper.
Matt and I cosplaying Scott and Virgil from Thunderbrids. We also have here a Tracy Island which, I think, is still in Matt's bedroom somewhere. These costumes were AWESOME, let me tell you. We wore them fucking EVERYWHERE we could get away with. It got to the point where, while on holiday in I think it was Nottingham Centre Parks, Matt and I were so engrossed in our playing of Thunderbirds that someone tried to tell my mother that her sons 'Scott and Virgil' were running off too far or something. HAHAHAHAHA!
This is our apparently gangsta great grandmother. Also, the most epic jumpers we ever owned! They were really warm and had our initials on them. Matt
still has his somewhere. I have no idea where mine is. But I do very clearly recall playing a game with some school friend that involved the 'J' on mine being some sort of alien symbol and there was something about dinosaurs being trapped in the walls because of it.... Yeah...
Oh, and this game was called, I shit you not, 'There are Dinosaurs in the walls'. :D
Yep, back to the cosplaying. Here at age... I think 6? ... Playing Captain scarlet. My god! I do remember this rather well. We were living in Wigan at the time. I have a vivid memory of running up and down the side of the house from the front garden to the back and jumping into some muddy grass and being very upset that I got mud on the visor. XD
And here I am today! Cosplaying Radagast (minus the beard which is at the bottom of a box which I can't be bothered getting out.
That was fun wasn't it? No? Well go fuck yourselves. :p