I had a hair cut the other day and I always dislike the first few weeks post-haircut as I never get it cut to a length I like. I've experimented every time I go but never seem to get it right. As a result, I usually get a hair cut a week or two before I do anything important / geeky and requiring pictures of silliness. However, I've come to a sort of decision about something I've been thinking of doing for a while now. I think that, for Oxonmoot, I'll grow my hair long and possibly die it black for the Turin costume. Not sure how long it will get by September, but we will see. It may be Matt Smith-able if nothing else.
In other news...
Is it just me or has the act of using 'in other news' become a 'thing' now on LJ? I've been doing it for ages and I've suddenly noticed at least four others on my flist doing it. I like the idea that I started a 'thing', though it's probably a coincidence. XD
In other, other news...
I just bought the Ainley Master and hatted Five figure set from Forbidden planet!! w00t! It's the Five I've always wanted AND Ainley Master! Huzzah! I'll sell my current Davison (good god! I'll have had FOUR Davisons! No Celery, Celery, Celery (11 Docs set) and Behatted!)). Well, it'll be one of the few sets I've bought in which both figures are ones I want! :)
And finally...
Trying to make sure Meg and Diyn's stories in tDP match up time wise. I recall doing it earlier, but am not sure if, through the edits, they still do so. This is what it's supposed to be;
Diyn = Captured by Pengs
Meg = Joins Shomer's company
Diyn = Taken through Desert, meets Tarbh
Meg = Attacked in forest, meets Sear
Diyn = Meet Tsayadim on bridge
Meg = Sear's tower
Diyn = Journey to Ha'Tiyrah
Meg = Rain and meeting Zabalim
Diyn = Ha'Tiyrah
Meg = Escape from tower
Diyn = Forest journey
Meg = The Zabal City
Diyn = Flight to Spill Mountains
Meg = Visiting Muthim
Diyn = Flight from Spill Mountains
Meg = Meeting the Nightmare
Diyn = Flight over sea
Meg = Battle of the City
Diyn = Lizarn
Meg = Aftermath and Chase
If you're reading it for me, let me know if this is no longer accurate. :) I hope I managed to keep it together, but it's going to be 100 time harder in tCoF because there are THREE story lines to consider. And death scenes. No main character is safe! :p
Book Four is looking good to me at the moment, though. A neat story for Philip and some excellent scenes for him. BUT, I'm going to have to change something because there was a 'Prisoner 0', (I was so annoyed when I saw Eleventh Hour XD ). I wonder if I'd get away with it, actually... Don't want to give too many spoilers away, though. ;)
Feeling very creative today and was glad today was a slow day at work as it meant I got to spend more time making notes for tCoF. I really want to start writing it properly! HURRY, READERS! D:
Though I'm sort of dreading the last few chapters of tCoF, because of the ~PLOT POINTS~ and ~DOOMY STUFF~ and... other things... The story is coming together nicely and some of the edits I made to tDP have made tCoF work better, actually!
I love making ambiguous references to my future work. XD
Wow! I made a post without posting a picture! I must reward myself with a biscuit. :)