Jul 20, 2010 13:43

So, I'd better report back on what happened on my adventure to Cardiff...

It begins with something that aggravated me a little. I booked the trains in advance, making sure I got a table seat with a plug socket - so I could use my lap top (it has rubbish battery life). Turns out that, because it was a Sunday when I went, they were using a different train and it had no sockets. Grr. I knew I should have brought a book to read, but I forgot. So I had to spend the three and three quarter hour journey with little to do. In the end I started listening to the Deathly Hallows audio book. Ho hum.

So, I turned up in Cardiff at around five in the afternoon. I wore my fez! ~[|:D
I met up with proskynesis  and we wandered over to the hotel. It was quite a nice place, very clean and bright. The rooms were quite cheap, but all the extras were like being buggered hard in the wallet. £7.99 for internets! D:
We decided to go down to the Cardiff National Museum because I thought it was open on Sundays (which it is, but I got the time wrong). It was closed when we got there. :( But I still got a photo of it...

You may recognise it as the museum from The Big Bang. :)
In the part near by, there was a colony of Augrie from The Stones of Blood! I felt this was necessary...

Also, in the Town Centrey area, there was a statue of Nye Bevan, everyone's favourite socialist. He was wearing a sea-gull hat and matching accessories...

We then headed back to the hotel and watched The Dalek Invasion of Earth (Cushing version) for the lulz. It was half horrifying, half hilarious. THE MUSIC! Almost always inappropriate. Though I did enjoy the little theme the Robo-Men seemed to have.And Gemma was perving over Cushing's gloves!

Next morning, THERE WERE BRAINS!

I think it's the brand of some Welsh beer. But I'm sad I found that out because I wanted to maintain the illusion that it was a BRAIN FACTORY. XD

We decided to walk down to Cardiff Bay for the exciting times. On the way we were greeted by decorative paving slabs that had octopuses and also fish in a bucket.

Not sure why...

We arrived at the RED DRAGON CENTRE about ten minutes too early and so wandered over to Torchwood the Millennium Centre. It was pretty cool.

I was convinced that thing was about to fall over! D: HOW DOES IT STAY UP!? I think there are wizards involved!
The window-doors were decorated with weird patters that looked like THE CRACKS! :o

Anyway, once we had sealed all the cracks and defeated the Daleks and made Big Bang two, we skipped and danced our way to the Dragon House or whatever it was called. The exhibition was EPIC! IT HAD A TARDIS!! So did the London one, but I think we got better pictures of this one. It was next to a green screen, which made it easier to photo shop! ;D

There was quite a bit there, actually. Though it was a lot smaller than the London one had been. Oh well. Sontarons and Daleks and Cybermens, of course. If you want to see me and Gemma pratting around with them, I've made an album on my facebook. I didn't get many more photos because, during an attempt to get a timed photo of us with K-9, my camera fell over and broke! D:
Gemma has more photos, so I'll have to wait until her return from Gallifrey or wherever she's gone. XD

We went to the Coal Exchange, where filming was taking place for Doctor Who. According to the Silver Cloak (the Matt Smith stalkers), Matt was seen just before 10am and again at nine at night. Ho hum.
Then we hurried off to Cardiff Castle! It was pretty epic. The ramparts were very Draigish! ;D I loved the keep, though. It's like everything I want out of a keep - moat, walls, towers, ramparts and an epic bridge. :)
In the Edwardian type house that is in the Castle grounds we were drawn into conversation with a really creepy old guy. He started talking about some guy who'd written about Nihilism and was a 'super genius' and an 'atheist who became a christian'. He tried to tell me that to be an atheist meant being a Nihilist. I told him he was wrong. Or, rather, I asked him to present a syllogism with one of the premises as 'I don't believe in gods' and has as a conclusion 'noting exists'. He ignored or did not get my point. Anyway, e kept telling me to 'get my act together'. Not sure what he meant by this. :s So, we got out of there on the quick-fast!
Gemma decided to splurge and bought a green Dragon. I will call him Harrison.
Then it was home time. :(
I did get a train with a socket this time! So I watched The Golden Compass (which I've owned for about a year but never actually watched). It was pretty cool. Even though it was the 'extended edition', it felt rushed. Maybe that's because I've read the book and so was used to the slower pace.

And now I'm at work. Sad times. :(

doctor who, matt smith, picspam, craziness, travels, atheism

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