I know
proskynesis is going to think me more evil because of this, but this is somewhat fun. Thinking up the most ridiculous audios Big Finish could churn out.
This is an idea I once had for a DW parody type thing. I do recall there being something about the Doctor being forced to make some tea and Dalek biscuits while Ben and Polly discovered that Davros was running the retirement home. I think he was trapped there and was trying to find out why the Daleks thought they were all too old to EXTERMINATE. There would have been hilarious Doctor and Davros just missing each other scenes.
Well, that was fun, wasn't it.
Oh, there was also this what I made today...
In other news...
No Ice Warrior or Burned Master today. :( Hopefully they will come on Monday. I've even made a space for them on the shelf. :)
The Peladon box set is also coming out next week so... YAY!
In other, other news...
The continuing unrest between my parents is getting unsettling. Today I was woken up by them rowing about something I couldn't quite hear. I do recall my father threatening to quit his job at one point. Urgh. This seems to happen at regular intervals throughout the year. At the moment they're not talking to one another, so at least there's less noise. :\
It's made slightly worrying by the fact that my mother bought some new knives today. 0_0
Anyway, other, other, other news...
I just realised today that the C-V I've been e-mailing to various places is still saved under the name "JKCornah_CV_July_2008". Now, I HAVE updated it since then, I just never changed the document title. Now all these people are going to think I've sent in a CV that's two years out of date. Or that I've not worked in two years (Which, given the current climate, will probably eventually be true). AAAGH! Why does my life suck? D:
In slightly more upbeat news...
The Dinosaur Prince is doing well on
Authonomy. As I've said, if I get into the top five then I'll be read by someone from Harper Collins! If they don't take me on (and, let's face it, they're not likely to) I think by then it will have been edited and polished enough to warrant another round of Agent spamming.
If any of you have a spare moment, feel free to sign up to authonomy and back my book! (That's how you go up in rankings). You can read the whole M/s (it's been significantly updated since I posted it on the other journal). Also, comments help too! :)
Oh, you don't have to upload your own book to be able to back and comment etc. Just put in your profile that you're 'a reader for now' or something. That'll probably keep some of the flies away. ;)
That's about it, right now.