Mar 05, 2009 00:33
My head hurts. D:
This is down mainly to the fact that younger brother Jonathan saw fit to slam a door into my face earlier today. Not fun. But this is what you get for having siblings...
Today at university... it went well. That doesn't usually happen. My poetry tutor remains as useless as a machine to watch paint dry for you, but at least there weren't any cruel jibes spewing forth. There was one argument, but it was split pretty much down the middle of the class so I wasn't alone. It went like this; someone wrote a poem that referred to the September 11th terrorist attacks as, I quote, "the worse atrocity in world history". I thought this to be somewhat inaccurate as I'm pretty sure worse things have happened in world history. The writer defended himself by saying that he meant 'recent history'. But even from recent history alone we have the massacres in Rwanda, South Africa's Apartite (or however you spell it) the wars in the middle east and so on. You could even include the holocaust, although some said that was going too far back into history. wtf?
Now, I won't deny it was a horrific event and it's all too easy to blame the american government or extremism or whatever to try and get away from the facts that a lot of people died. I'm sure I saw something somewhere comparing and contrasting people's reactions to September 11th and the Rwandan massacres (which is why I brought it up) and how people had stronger feeling of injustice about the former. Weird.
Anyway, I'm sure you're all clever and thinking individuals with opinions of your own. *shrug*
I asked at the uni office if they had a careers advisor. They said "Probably." But didn't know where to look or who to ask. Good old professionalism.
I got Battlefield on DVD today. It's one of my favourite Doctor Who stories. Yay! Arthurian mythology! I watched the special extended edition today and was suitably impressed. They've fixed some of the special effects and added some neat scenes here and there.
Watching it reminded me of why I love McCoy! His Doctor is amusing and witty while being dark and serious at the same time. It can be unsettling but I think he pulls it off. Especially at this end of his reign. Also, his hat is WIN. If nothing else, this is one of the few times we see Seven at the TARDIS controls and doing stuff XD
Now I want to get The Curse of Fenric. Perhaps my all-time favourite story. :D
doctor who,
dinosaur prince,
curse of facen,