Jan 17, 2009 21:09

Today was not a good day. It wasn't massively terrible, but I did not enjoy it, I have to say.

I couldn't sleep last night and was feeling ill by the morning. Still I went off to work and seemed to be okay for the first half of the day. Then it came to dinner time and I had to rely on a co-worker to grab me some soup (we usually have someone from a near by restaurant take orders and bring them in, they do this for most shops on the street, how nice, but they didn't come today). He came back with something that was MADE OF SPICE AND BURNED MY FACE. In the past, I was always okay with spicy food, but since I had my throat ripped out and what not, it's not easy to eat it in quantities beyond a small bowl. Add to this the aforementioned illness and you may well guess that I was not too great for some time after this.

My boss, in her infinite wisdom, gave me a 'pain killer' (my stomach/throat area was hurting quite a lot at this point). This pain killer turned out to be Asprin. Which, as you may know, fizzes up. FUCKING HELL, the pain was not nice. But I managed to stay on my feet until I had to catch the train home (I amazed, really, because I'm something of a three month old child when it comes to pain XD). Guess what? The Train was canceled. AGAIN! That's the second week in a row. -_- So I had to wait over half an hour for the next one, which isn't so bad, but Wigan train station is a frozen wasteland with no Jelly Babies.

When I finally got home my parents were heading off to see someone in hospital. They'd given money to the twins to get tea. They'd already buggered off to the tandoori and spent 75% of the money on themselves. Bastards. As it was raining and I wasn't feeling up to anything complicated, I nicked some natchoes Josh had been making. Bad idea. Now I feel more ill again. D:

Anyway, enough moaning. I was going to say something about the rant I had at work about how I morally objected to Valentines day, but I've complained far too much on this bloggy thing recently. Time for happy things! :D

I found out what happened to Gareth Jenkins. He of 'A Fix with Sontarons' fame.

I started to revise 'The Phantom Bus Driver' and am actually quite happy with it.

I've done some work on The Phantom and Alien Volume 3! :D

I'm quite pleased with two new characters I've introduced in tDP.

I want to try and get him to read the first verse of Gallifreyan History 101 while I film it... Is this an over ambitious task? I've seen some of the stuff he's let fans record him saying... Hmm... I even have the blessing of the writer of said song to do this. (If you're interested, he's this guy).

Now I'm going to watch last night's QI, which I missed.

fail, pain, rage, colin baker

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