water. painkillers. now. ommo... _ _; @_@ _ _; @_@; ___ _______;;;; ommmmmoo~~~ T^T;
my eyes are closed still ㅋㅋ they're staying that way til tomorrow x_X; til the world stops doing cartwheels~ @~~~@;
did umma ever make it over here? ㅋㅋㅋ i didn't hear him come in.. i must have slept like the dead.. mmn...i slept almost 12 hours o____o;
that's an april fools joke if i ever heard one e_E;
edit: still ow. still eyes closed. nngnfmhfmmm...oh fuck this.
+trundles off to living room to curl up on Kang again if he's still asleep+
edit, 1 hr later: +curls up on bed with laptop & Yamche, unable to sleep anymore x-x;+