Aug 23, 2006 10:51
A friend of mine recently accepted Christ and became a Christain. I didn't like this, because I saw her starting upon a path I had long abandoned (see previous entry). Despite this, I looked back on my experience from being a Christain and following that religion, so that I might offer some advice for her. When I say this, I don't mean that I tried to sway her away from the path- as much as I wanted to do so. Instead I, as best I could, offered advice that would help her down that path. I later went on to tell her straight out what I was trying to do, and how it was painful for me to do so. I also said that by no means she was my best friend, that my life wouldnt be ruined if I were to lose her as a friend, and that despite this, I was trying to do this for her. It seems to me now that she did not read past "my life wouldnt be ruined if i were to lose her as a friend", as she's responded by simply removing me from her friends listings online, and deleted her own journal, rather then deal with anything I had said. Unless there is some change in the future, I now see her belief to be like that of my own mother's- misinterpreted, close-minded, and ignorant of anything that may speak differently of it. Completely unwilling to examine the argument and herself, to search for any validity in the argument. Instead, only willing to immediately deam it false, cast it away, and ignore it completely.
If Christ speaks through his sheep, as Christains are so fond of claiming, he is surely screaming to me now that he not only doesnt care that he has taken a friend from me, but furthermore laughs at having done so. That he could care less about me; he's far more concerned with the new sheep that he has sucked in, rather then I who have wandered away from his herd. This shepherd doesn't deserve to keep his job, for he would rather steal sheep from other fields then chase down the stray.