This will most likely be a longer update than is even necessary. But you'll still read it won't you? AHAHAHAHA power.
So Guy Fawkes Day? Greastest holiday EVER. We went in early to see the Lewes Castle that everyone said we had to see. It was pretty cool. There wasn't much to it information-wise so in my opinion, it was the best castle yet. And it had all these fun medieval clothes that you could dress up in and take pictures. We did. I probably got British body lice from it, but it's all good. After the castle we went to a pub to get lunch and in my case, drink some Guinness. Huzzah! We found a Tesco near the bonfire site where we bought alcohol and then wandered over to a park where we proceeded to drink the alcohol. I was wearing my hobo gloves so I felt particularly close to the Hobo world. After park-drinking, we went to get good spots for the parade. We stood in line waiting for the parade for about 2 hours. It was worth it though. The parade ruled. Lots of people in awesome costumes carrying flaming crosses, really loud fireworks, bands, yelling, drinking, FIRE, flaming ash....madness. We left the parade to go to the bonfire. We lost Katie and her cousin amid THE ABSOLUTE MADNESS. We went to the free bonfire by the Waterloo Bonfire Society. It was huge. And so warm. We warmed our butts by the fire. It was glorious. Then the fireworks started and dear god. They were the best fireworks I've ever seen. So once that was done, we headed back to the train station to get a train to Brighton. We were told to join the end of the queue which was practically in Brighton the queue was so long. But it moved fairly fast and we made it back to Brighton. Huzzah! I'd totally be for America adopting Guy Fawkes Day. It totally beats out the 4th of July. I feel a conversation between American and England would go something like this:
America:We have fireworks on the 4th of July! We win.
England: Well, we have fire on sticks, bonfires, AND 5 firework displays in one tiny town.
America: Owned.
Yesterday I went into London to go to museums because I can and I want to. I went to the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaur fossils because, in case you don't know, HUGE NERD. And I went to the Darwin Centre and conversed with a British scientist man. Sometimes science takes over my mind and I can't control my actions. Across the street from the Natural History Museum was the Victoria and Albert Museum, so I went there too and wandered around. It was grand. I feel so cultured. After museum hopping, I headed to Piccadilly because I was going to stalk Green Day. Yup. I have NO SHAME. I was killing time in the Burger King when I got hit on by a Brazilian man. He began to make out with my face. Disturbing. He asked me if I kissed my friends. Very Odd. I told him I had to go because I was late and he yelled "but you are so beautiful!" as if this was a legitimate reason as to why I should stay in the Burger King and make out with the random Brazilian. Ran like the wind I did.
This next part is really only for Marisa’s benefit so feel free to stop reading. I wouldn’t blame you. She uses me for my location, aka England.
Ok, so I feel I can go into more detail here that I could over the phone because livejournal doesn’t charge you 5 pence a minute. No sir. Before they arrived, I forgot to tell you this before, I was walking between the glass doors and the back door and I was confused and not watching where I was going and walked into the Cat Ear Dude. True Story. I got flustered and ran away. I did not want the men sporting Green Day Security jackets to detain me for crimes against Cat Eared Dudes. Anyhoodle….Ok, so the first time, when they first showed up, all I saw was hair. My frantic photo taking above people’s heads proved unsuccessful. I was standing right next to Jason White’s van though, so I peered in and gave mental love to Jason White. I don’t think he got it. So after they were all in, there was MORE MASS CHAOS. Do we stay here? Do we go up front? Do we go to the random glass doors and peer in like street urchins in a Charles Dicken’s novel? We decided on the street urchin tact. And we were rewarded. About 20 minutes after they went into the building, there was screaming. I look up and see Tre Cool accompanied by HIS HAIR coming down the escalator. I believe he had a drink. Again, Happiness Blackouts. Then right after Tre came down, Billie and his glorious shag-do (that I now admit defeat because in person, the hair makes my brain spaz) come down the escalator. He waved. Tre posed for the cameras. And of course, I failed miserably in the photo taking department. I didn’t see Mike though. He was there, I was just in the Billie/Tre trance so I guess I missed him. Eventually they all went into the theater. After that, there was more UNECESSARY confusion. Apparently they were giving away tickets up front, so people ran up front where people were yelling “I’ve got two young boys! Please!” to which I mentally responded “Screw your two young boys. Billie would just try and make out with them anyway.” Har. I kid because I love. Really. After the free ticket debacle, we went back to the glass doors where I befriended fun Green Day Brits who kept saying how “fit” Tre was and how Billie has a “fit bum.” Things sound so much more dignified in English. At some point, Tre went to use the toilet. He came up and down the escalators and posed some more because he’s Tre and he’s a big camera whore. I didn’t bother to take pictures. This time I basked in the glory of Cool. And I waved. And threw my body into the glass. Or I was savagely pushed. Hard to tell. Later on, they left the movie theater but I honestly can’t remember if I saw them leave. I think I did. Stupid memory! But then it was decided that it would be best to wait outside where they came in. So we all did. All us crazies. Their cars pulled up after awhile and Billie exited stage right. He was wearing gloves! Little black ones! He waved! I attempted to take pictures, but there was pushing and I didn’t want to be crazy girl throwing her body at Billie’s car so I stood back. And Jason Freese walked by me because his car was behind Billie’s. I saw him but I didn’t want to blind him with the flash because he was literally, 6 inches from me. That would’ve been very uncouth of me to do. So instead I said “Hello Jason Freese” and then turned back to the Billie pandemonium. And then they drove off into the sunset. Or down the street further into Chinatown. Whichever you prefer. There was more talk of how fit they all were and how large Tre’s hair was. It was grand. There! I remembered stuff this time. And it’s CHOCK FULL of detail.
I shall also include the few random photos I took. I incorporated some very helpful arrows and captions to point out what’s what. There are some where you literally have to take my word for it.
The chaos that is Green Day
For shame.
Even in the blurry picture you sense the Manlove.
Retreating Green Day
Jason White leaving!
Billie scurrying away into his van of safety.
And that is the end of my grand adventure.