Jul 27, 2004 17:39
mm well it's raining... boring day of course... thursday i'm hangin out wit noelle...that should be funn...i can't wait til i hang out with nicole and april again...even if some...mm..compents..[lol] aren't included...they're pretty cool..lol..well i talked to courtney today for the first time in a week or 2...well ill be filling out another quiz bc im bored k? so read if you'd like*
-- Name: madison*leigh
-- Birth date: august 27th
-- Current Location: hopeless junktown/fishkill [fishkill better tho! lol]
-- Eye Color: hazel? or blue? - i dunno nemore
-- Hair Color: blonde
-- Righty or Lefty: lefty oh yeaa
-- Zodiac Sign: virgo
-- Your heritage: czech, english, spainish, irish, and something else
-- The shoes you wore today: pink guess shoes
-- Your weakness: dunno
-- Your pizza preference: plain
-- Your thoughts first waking up: something*
-- Your best physical feature: eyes - i think
-- Your bedtime: 12-1ish usually
-- Your most missed memory: old friends
-- Your best male friend: mm i dunno nemore
-- Your best female friend: i have a couple
-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
-- McDonald's, Burger King or Wendys: Burger King
-- Single or group dating: mm dunno
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla yumm!
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
-- Smoke: have...yuckk!
-- Swear: wen i'm madd
-- Sing: uhh no lol...well maybe in the car
-- Have a Crush: yes
-- Think you've been in love: unfortantly...yes
-- Want to go to college/university: yes - hopefully
-- Like high school: it's okay
-- Want to get married: not really - perfer not to
-- Believe in yourself: i guess?
-- Get motion sickness: noppe
-- Think you're attractive: i guess
-- Think you're a health freak: not really
-- Get along with your parent(s): sometimes - usually
-- Like thunderstorms: YeAaA - they're awesomeeee lol
-- Play an instrument: piano
-- Ever drank alcohol: uhhhhh yes
-- Ever smoked: yup
-- Ever done a drug: yea
-- Ever had sex: noppe
-- Ever made Out: yes
-- Ever gone on a date: yea
-- Ever eaten an entire box of Oreos: ew no
-- Ever eaten sushi: yes
-- Ever been on stage: yes
-- Ever been dumped: yes :o/
-- Ever dumped someone: yea - its horrible
-- Ever been shot down: ummm i dunno
-- Ever shot someone down: yepp
-- Ever Gone skating: yes
-- Ever made homemade cookies: yes
-- Ever gone skinny dipping: noppe - not yet newayzz
-- If so, alone or With People: with people
-- Ever dyed your hair: yea
-- Ever stolen anything: yea
-- Ever Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- If so, was it mixed company:
-- Ever been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- Ever been caught "doing something": wat do you mean? lol
-- Ever been called a tease: yes
-- Ever gotten in a fight: not physical
-- Ever gotten beaten up: noppe
-- Ever shoplifted: yes
-- Ever changed who you were to fit in: yes
-- Age you hope to be married: i dunt wanna really
-- Numbers and Names of Children: none - dont want kids
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: mmm traditional
-- How do you want to die: in my sleep
-- Where you want to go to college: somewhere okay i guess and with my friends
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: no clue wat-so-ever
-- Where would you most like to visit: i wanna see alot of places but mostly paris
In a girl/guy....
-- Best eye color?: mm brown i think
-- Best hair color?: dark
-- Height: taller than me by a couple inches at least
-- Best weight: not obese
-- Best articles of clothing (not underwear or bathingsuit.. ect.): mm not sure
-- First date location: usually movies
-- First real kiss location: movie theatre
-- Best Real Kiss Location: mmmm....
-- # of drugs taken illegally: 1
-- # of people I could trust with my life: a couple
-- # of CDs that I own: mm not sure - alot
-- # of piercings: 4
-- # of tattoos: none
-- # of scars on my body: mm 2 that i noe of
-- # of things in my past that I regret: a couple things