Feb 06, 2006 03:25

convo with david that pretty much explains my morning
blondemoments115: if i leave you alone then u'll think then you will become a scary weird hahahahahah FUNNY STORY!!!
soccersweeperr: do tell
blondemoments115: wanna hear
soccersweeperr: yes
blondemoments115: hahah okay
blondemoments115: so its like 7:30 this morning when i get into cassie and serena's car (cuz they are drivign me and brooke to waterville) so they are all like coffee addicts so we stop at this dunkin dounuts like in bangor or something and we all go in and cassie orders and iced cofee and something and then goes out in the car. and then ths other guy was ordering and he looked so scarry and so did the guy doing the counter or w/e its called and serena and cassie and brooke all together are like crazy and hyper and thats just how they are... idk so w/e they were just being themselves and they said something really weird and both the guys like look that her and like stare at here and it was really freaky and it was soooo funny.
blondemoments115: okay so then
blondemoments115: uh..
soccersweeperr: that's sooo funny
soccersweeperr: i think
soccersweeperr: hafhahahahahha
blondemoments115: oh cassie goes out in the car and serena orders and she ordered a large iced coffe with extra milk or something like that so the girl like fills the WHOLE thing with ice and serena was just like well... im haveing ice and milk for breakfast like to me and brooke but liek the dounkin dounuts was like really small so the girl must have herd her and it was relaly funny so then she gets her iced coffee and she says this tastes like ass really loud!!! so then the other guy that ordered befor us like returned his or something and i said she should return her's and idk she kept talking really loud about how bad the coffee was and how the girl that waited on us was a anorexic crack whore.... it was SOOOO FUNNY!
blondemoments115: okay well i guess you had to be there
blondemoments115: lol u'll think im like crazy but it was hilarious
soccersweeperr: lol, thats sorta funny
soccersweeperr: the 2nd part
soccersweeperr: the 1st part i just didn't get
blondemoments115: oh and then after the workshop we went to the dunkin dounuts in waterville and we were all like relaly hot and sweaty and stuff and we walk in and the girl asks us "why are you all so red" ...
blondemoments115: its was really funny too
soccersweeperr: idiot girl
blondemoments115: haha well part 1 just leads into part 2 with the sketchy guy and the crack whore girl
soccersweeperr: lol

okay so ne ways the crack whore thing happend and then we had to be in waterville before 9 and it was now like 8:05 so we went like 85 all the way to waterville and got there in 40 minutes it was SWEET!!! i love cassie and serena they are like my role models!!!! okay so ne ways... first we had ballet and it sucked... like harcore it was soo stupid!! the lady was like crazy and her demostraters didnt knwo ballet worth crap and so w/e... it blew. then was Tap which was really good and was with this awesome guy that actually tried to teach us stuff to better ourselves and not just a routine, and it made me realize how scared i am... to dance really and to just let myself goo cuz i did soo much better when i was just like w/e and had fun with it!! it was awesome he was pretty much amazing apparently after his mom died Dianne Walker (a famouse dancer) adopted him and he has studied with Jimmy Slyde and was in Blue and BLack and the hoofers and nwo teachers at Dean College! he was soo good serena was like " i just want to pick him up and put him in my pocket!" lol it was funny then we had "theatracle jazz" we did a Fosse dance it was pretty cool but she choreographed it for like 10 year olds... which was kinda odd because Fosse is provacative... if you knwo ne thing about Fosse then you know what im talking about but yeah so it was kinda odd... but it was fun. So then came lunch.. blah
THEN THE BEST DANCE WORKSHOP CLASS I HAVE EVER TAKEN WITH THAT SAME GUY THAT TAUGHT TAP! we had hip hop with him and he taught us the routine really fast so we had to liek learn it.. hard to explain but it was amazing, and really fast and hard, he showed us this step called the Brooklynn (idk how you spell it but like the place ya knwo?) so ne ways it was sooo hard... my quads and legs and whole body hurts soo bad and tomorrow is gonna suck in terms of walking and running but it was fun. that probably the most i have sweated in a dance class like ever! which is good cuz that means i was working i guess... but yeah it was finominal (spelling) i cant say enough how good it was!!!!!!!!!! OMG ! i really want to go to dean college now just so i can take classes from him cuz i learned SO much!! okay ne ways im going to bed now.

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