(no subject)

Mar 26, 2005 22:54

so yea..preeeeety fun last couple of days
very eventfull actually
involved poker, stiches, and baseball-of course

so me, jean, petey, leiber, kidon, borger, swartz, baroth, wach's friend zach, and john all played POKER at nicholas wach's house...was sooooo fun!!! lol and jean and i stole tee-shirts.then we played truth or dare and got the honor of watching the guys strip down and greg pee in a cup outside.

so im in love with wach's house. its sooo pretty!!! kk theres this swing lol which is so fun. u go so high and feel like ur gonna die but its cool. and then theres this thing called the fort. yea got a grand tour.

thennnn gregs mom drove us all home. and lol yea. wachs spent the nite at kidons and me at jeans. and in the mroning they came ovr to jeans and had bkfast. it was fun. then the highlight of the last couple of days!!
KIDON AND NICK DECIDE THAT THEY WOULD LIKE TO PLAY TENNIS OUTSIDEIN THE FRONTYARD. SOOOO AS KIDON HITS THE BALL REALLY HIGH. AND WACH'S RUNS FOR IT..HE RUNS RITE INTO A TRACTOR. later..he got 7 stiches. it was so sadd!!! yea but its k we got him some stuff. and like 5 gazillion hugs.
then magic mountain. and that was sooo cool!!! we saw candice and julian there!

so yeappp that was it.

nicholas wachs...FEEL BETTER!!!!!

okie doke, bibi
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