Aug 15, 2005 22:21
So today was my 1st real day of school. It was school, you know you know. I love the Elliotts so thats good. I guess I have to learn whats going on in the world for government crap it. Off campus adventures for lunch time.
1st day working in the preschool...
the morning time was good. This cute little girl Grace came and wanted to sit on my lap so that was the start of that friendship only when I had to leave for school she wouldn't let go... hm, now that I say that out loud it sounds like exactly what I want to do with some people. maybe if I just latch on to you?? haha, who knows where I'd end up. well, I know. but anyway.
The after school time? well you see, we were out on the playground from like 3-5 and lemme just tell you it is hot as Hades out there! and the rules are funny, like... I can't sit down and I'm not supposed to talk to the other people working there blah blah blah. And the only kids I liked there were these 2 little boys but other than that they weren't the nicest little kids I'd ever met. But I am to be switching between preschool and elementary and somethings telling me ill like the preschool ALOT better.
Then there was dance tonight, it was sooo so weird driving home without my brother. Come home to me!
Senior retreat tomorrow, i am not looking foward to this. CRAP!! not my cup of tea.
So goodnight to all
and to all a goodnight
I love you, I really really really do.