Apr 20, 2005 15:23
Crayzy Crazy Crazy!!!!
Guess what?!!?!?!?!?! I was nominated like the rest of ShS to be a Peer Mediator... and Im sooo excited, I think Im gonna go through the application interview process- it should be a great experience even if i am not chosen.... I can not wait to see what happens! :)
Now on to a more pressing issue:
Im sorry to those who think Im aweful,
Im sorry if I have unintentionaly hurt you,
Im sorry fer maybe, possibly not being the greatest friend I could be,
Im not the only one at fault,
Im not the only who lost contact,
Im not the only one who stopped trying...
I have thought about a way to resolve the issue but Idk if you'd like it...
Do you even know what I am talking about?>
OH and I love how you totally had to print out a lj post and hand it to someone else... do you know if it was even about you?
yea i know about it....
Ok, Look- Im sorry things have gone to hell with us,
~* yet again but ...
its not JUST my fault and at least I can admit to that
Just had to say that cause i can't stand the silence ne more...
Dedicated to an old friend in question to whom I have not spoken to in at least 2 months due to:
confusion, misunderstandings, misconceptions, and hurt feelings (I am guessing)
and Id like to see something happen, whether it be a huge fall-out, "I hate yous", A fist fight.... Black eye fer me, or explanation of what happend, maybe even rekindled friendliness IDK