Today I am 22 and I have a bit of time so I think I will continue with my years photos.
September: I'm so grateful to still be at home, am babysitting Eli lots and lots^_^ and enjoying the harvest!
October: Amazed to be home in October! One of my favorite times of year. The harvest continues and I actually get to spend Halloween at home with Friends!
November: We finally get to go back to work. We head off for Moosomin Saskatchewan, and get Swine Flu along the way and spend 2 weeks recovering.
December. Lots of snow. I love snow. Ryan and I spend our first Christmas and New Year alone together away from home.
'Twas a great year. Hope everyone else had a fantastic one!
And it's my birthday today, which I'm quite excited about! We will be driving to the next town over for a laundromat, because the one in this town shut down just before Christmas. Kind of lame, but hopefully a fun adventure! Tonight Steve and Sandra are having us over for dinner and we may go out for drinks. An excellent day it shall be!^_^