Bree did it, and I said I would too, so here's at it.
So yeah. Today was pretty uneventful. There was just this one thing, in choir. We're doing "Tonight" from West Side Story (My gang's going to beat yours! Jazz hands! Jazz hands!), and it's got a pretty high soprano part, even for sopranos. Now, I love those s, but good lord, it all sounds more like piercing demonic shrieks than high G flats. And I know high notes believe me, and I have a pretty good stomach for that. I'd have to, playing flute for five years. But God, they can't even hit the note! Ugh. The stuff that comes from that section is the stuff that I'm sure is all the rage down in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks. And then Amelia and Gabby wanted to take it an octave higher! I think I'm just going to shoot myself and make it nice and fast. That class is a new definition of cruel and unusual punishment.
Oh, yesterday I got a call from Lauren. She and Abbey are going the same session that I am! I'm glad, I thought I'd be alone again. It'll be nice to go with her again. We talk for like forty-five minutes about camp, it was fun. I really do miss everyone...
Now I've got homework to finish up on. Bye bye!