Sep 07, 2006 12:45
so not only now am i without my beloved camera(s) (RIP i loved u so much for 1 month, u were the best camera i ever ever had...::moment of silence::) ...but now i am also without my fuckin 60 gig ipod photo which i have come to love over the years, given to me by danny for a valentines day present.... yes...two techonologies i am now without..while still waiting for fuckin comcast to come monday for internet as i sit here in the stupid SAC dosing up on meaningless myspace and facebook..oh..and livejournal
so needlesstosay, sunday was a fuckin crazy party. 95% of the people i did not even know in my own damn apt. it was ok, they were pretty nice, and if they werent nice, they were nice enuff staring down my shirt. whatev. after countless beers and beer bongs, yes i admit to heaving and throwing up in a bucket for hours with my good friend coli haha but apparently after the 80 mexican people left and i began throwin up, someone decided to steal both my ipod and my roomie lorenas movie ipod. and not only this, the apt was T.R.A.S.H.E.D. i woke up to the worst looking place i had ever seen. beer EVERYWHERe. took me 20 trips to the garbage cans for all the fuckin beer bottles. beer on the FLOOR. soo fuckin sticky, STILL STICKY! fuckin black shit on the i have no clue? puke on my floor. ok fault. ash everywhere. just BAD. whatever so i cleaned. but i am without my fuckin ipod and im pissed. and not only this, but someone decided to call lorenas MOM and tell her that we had a crazy party! hahah so i do not see any crazy ones in our near future..maybe a month haha. so now im worried about this wknd, my White Out party! we shall see we shall see..maybe only a handful of people. thatll be good times. MY people. good times.
::sigh:: am i done with school yet? ive only had 2 classes so far, waiting for my 3rd to start of the week, and im already tired of this shit and fell asleep in class. HAHA. o well
so it goes. so it goes....