(no subject)

Jul 18, 2009 18:53

Fellow citizens of Mayfield. If you're feeling a bit peckish I just happened to have some spare food. I couldn't possibly eat it all myself given my size. So rather than letting it spoil I'm happy to share with my neighbours... for a small service fee naturally. Of course if you'd rather eat ketchup and mayonnaise or rummage in the woods, I completely understand.

[OOC: Mammon is sitting on a card table he has set up on the sidewalk in front of his house. On it there appears to be an assortment of cookies, sandwiches, fried chicken and lemonade. All looking and smelling good. In front of the table is a sign saying 'Mammon's Munchies' with all the 's's written backwards.

All the food is illusionary, and anyone who eats some will actually be eating leaves, soil, twigs or muddy water. But it will taste exactly like what it looks like and may even leave you feeling full. Once you are out of range of his illusions will stop and you'll be feeling hungry again. And taste a lot of dirt.]
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