Aug 07, 2006 02:43

Ok. Ok.

I don't even know why I am writing something here. Maybe because I'm bored. In fact, yes, this just in: I am bored. This is going to be the new home of my daily rabbbbblings. First, though: history lesson.

Article 1: School started last year.
Article 2: I met Jen.
Article 3: I met Rachel.
Article 4: I date Jen.
Article 5: I break up with Jen.
Article 6: I date Rachel.
Article 7: I fuck up in school.
Article 8: School ends.


Article 1: I work like a dirty Mexican.
Article 2: Cruise.
Article 3: Now.

Why mention this? Because. Deal with it.

I would like to say however that I do feel bad about header SCHOOL, Articles 4 and 5. Motion to strike these from the memory of myself have been levied, however I am sentenced to a lifetime of guilt for even creating these Articles to begin with. Jen, I sincerely apologize for that wrongdoing.

Moving along.

I'm back, bitches, although me writing these things will only hurt my character. This is to prove to Coray why people make these LJs: entertainment. It is just as envigorating as checking the F-book every hour. People. Don't. Care. About. What. I. Say. Hear. They. WILL. Read. Anyway. That's science. I could say, for instance, that the War in Iraq is a good thing (wait, I'm not lying here), and people LIBERALS and all will have to read it. I guess there is power in that, that somewhere somebody is reading this...okay who am I joking, its almost 3 AM, I'm bored and can't sleep and so I've decided to type everything that my brain is thinking hoping that this very process will milk my body of all remaining energy, thus allowing me to fall into a deep, restful slumber. Sleep like baby.

Fuck you.


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