Cloud Atlas Wraps Production, Hobbit Location Filming, New Hugo Scans

Dec 24, 2011 18:29

Note: This is an archived entry that’s several years old. While I have ensured that all photos are restored, some links may no longer work. If you encounter any dead links, let me know and I’ll try to find a copy of the material. Some entries may not be up to my current standards as far as photo source and other credits are concerned; if you are a photographer or writer of a piece that lacks appropriate acknowledgement, please let me know and I’ll be happy to add source info.

Here's my Odds and Ends Christmas Entry... though we don't have any new news about or photos of Hugo Weaving specifically, some important items about his two big 2012 films have come out in recent days, so I'll share those without further ado.

First, Cloud Atlas recently wrapped primary photography at Babelsberg studios in Berlin, so the cast have presumably dispersed to their homes around the world for the holidays. Though no stills or behind the scenes pics of the actors have emerged recently, the filmmakers did share this group photo of the directors (including the elusive Wachowskis) and producers with a tantalizing array of props symbolizing each of the story's six sequences. I won't divulge their significance here, as many readers haven't read the novel, but you can learn more at Empire Online, Collider, IndieWire and BoomTron. The photo was originally posted at Empire, but has since made its way to pretty much every other movie blog. ;)

Pictured are (far back) executive producer Uwe Schott, novelist David Mitchell executive producer Philip Lee. Front row:  producer Stefan Arndt, director/writers Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski and Andy Wachowski and producer Grant Hill.

Will Hugo be using any of these props? Too soon to tell, though if the film follows the novel closely, he'll be consigning one of them into a large body of water. ;) Somehow I doubt he'll be playing Papa Song, though, if the balloon likenesses are a match.

Next up: Peter Jackson's released another lovely Production Video (#5 to be precise) just in time for the holidays, with the promise of another to follow early next year. Since this segment is primarily about location filming, there are no glimpses of Hugo or of Cate Blanchett, as their scenes were completed on a sound stage earlier this year. (Some day it'd be nice to see Elrond someplace other than Rivendell, wouldn't it... I guess that'll have to wait for an adaptation of The Silmarillion.) ;) But I defy you not to get misty at Elijah Wood's set tour of the new Hobbiton. Wood recently got a bit testy with the British chat show host Graham Norton when the latter blithely suggested Hobbiton "isn't real"; this clip will give you some insight into Wood's deep feelings about the issue if you don't already share them. I'll also embed the trailer in case anyone's been in a deep coma for the past week and missed it. ;) I think both are sublime, and reassure me that the film(s) will be very much worth the long wait

image Click to view

Peter Jackson, via YouTube

image Click to view

Finally, I have a batch of new Hugo-related scans posted to my Flickr Archive, including the full press kit for Proof's 1992 North American release-- including a lot of photos-- an Oranges and Sunshine preview from FilmInk (featuring extensive comments from Hugo, including his mother's reaction to some of his work) ;), and a vintage 1988 preview of The Dirtwater Dynasty featuring photos and a funny little blurb about Barlow & Chambers (aka Dadah is Death, aka A Long Way From Home.)

Proof Press Kit Photo 1
Photo 1 closeup
Photo 2
Photo 2 closeup
Photo 3
Photo 3 closeup
Color Slide 1
Color Slide 2
Color Slide 3
Color Slide 4
Proof Press Kit CoverPage 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8

Dirtwater Dynasty Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4

Oranges and Sunshine Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Review

Oh! And here's a new article from the Adelaide Advertiser about next month's AACTA Awards. This critic likes Hugo's chances. ;)

The vet waiting room scene in Proof (1991), from the film's press kit

Happy Holidays everyone! Next year should be particularly exciting for Hugo fans.
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