I'm on a roll with these things eh? Two in nearly a month? Holy crap! Heh, maybe I should have figured out what this entry would be about before just starting it. Right, I was going to talk about Creation fest. This event happens down at the Gorge Amphitheatre. It's three days of christian concerts. The ride up there was mostly uneventful. There was a road that smelled like honeyed ham...odd. There was also a rest stop with a sign that said "watch out for rattlesnakes". My reaction to that was "Okay, I'll watch for them. What do I do if I actually find one?" The sign tells us to watch for them, but it doesn't say what to do if you come across one. When you live in a world where coffee cups say "Careful! Hot liquids contained" you expect that they'd at least give you a warning to stay away from the venomous snake that could potentially kill you, as opposed to a hot liquid that might give you a minor burn. Given the choice I think I'd stick with the coffee burn and stay away from poisonous snakes thank you very much. Then again, the reason those labels are put onto coffee cups is so that stupid people who think that coffee comes cold (oh how I loathe those people) won't sue the company. Who's gonna sue the state for being bitten by a snake? No one will. Not even the morons who, unless told otherwise, believe that coffee is a cold liquid. That's enough of that. On with the less interesting things, like what actually happened during the trip :P. Before the trip, I was supposed to meet up with a friend of mine from school. The problem was, the day of the trip, I couldn't remember when I was supposed to meet her. Lucky for me, we met up before then, completely by coincidence. When I arrived at the amphitheatre we (we being me my mother and my sister) were told to go to some odd parking lot away from the main area, and to wait until seven before we could get a camping area. While we waited at the parking lot I saw Jeanette and her sister walking down the dirt road, or was it gravel? Either way, I waved and we ended up hanging out for a little while. Eventually, I decided I should go and find my mom, to help set up camp. Too bad I had no idea where my mom was. I wandered back up to the odd parking lot, which was far away enough. I got directions from some unhelpful person. Those directions included me going back the way I came, which was totally overrated. I ran into Jessica and Jeanette again, halfway to where I was heading, and I decided to tag along with them rather than go on a wild goose chase to find the registration office, which my mom probably wasn't at anyways. While hanging out with them, I met some interesting people. There was Matt, who broke his back and had to wear a brace. I can't imagine having to wear a back brace all the time. There were also the cowboys, who were very flamboyant, to say the least. They were very touchy feely and called eachother pet names, like cupcake and stuff like that. However, they were completely straight. At least, that's what they told us :P. It was starting to get dark, and I thought maybe I should find my campsite. So I walked...a lot. I got to my campsite and helped stake the tent down, and set up the portable gazebo. That was pretty much day one. Day two, I set out with my sister to go get our wristbands. Long story short, we got our wristbands. The rest of the day was spent hanging out with Jeanette, Jessica, Matt, and some other people, who's names escape me at the moment. There was some other guy that we met, who we nicknamed grasshopper. He had this thing for hitting on random girls. We actually got a group of girls to have their
picture taken with him. The next few days I hung out with Jessica and Chancey. We went into the mosh pit for Pillar and...umm, I can't remember, but we were in the moshpit more than once. We met some really cool people that listen to christian deathmetal. The guys were also very touchy feely, yet straight. Their antics amused me to no end. Just out of nowhere,
here's a picture of Matt and...I can't remember the other guy's name.
Here's some more pictures. The last night I was sandwiched between two very large fans of christian deathmetal (it was only a hug :P ), and later I joined a conga line ^__^. Fun stuff. Lots of highfives. Afterwards, I said my goodbyes to my friends, old and new, and looked for my mommy. Not the easiest thing to do at a concert. Nevertheless, I found her, and we left for home, at midnight maybe. On the way home, we were pulled over by a police car because my mom had crossed the center line on the road four times. She was let off with a warning, and we got home all right. That's it, leave, you're no longer wanted here :P