Apr 25, 2005 17:08
hum well im bored...i think i finished all my homework for tonite, maybe i could actually get to bed on time. doubt it.
lately nothing exciting has happened. this is the seniors last week and im ready to see what their prank is on thursday. i just might cry at the senior mass on friday. we are giving coach price a card and a mini basketaball that we all signed tomorrow. im sure gonna miss her. last weekend was fun, the gang got together with mark, kyle, cole, and neumann and went to the movies then jamies. it was a pretty good movie. sunday i went to this fca thing at catholic that coach price told us about and it was cool. they had a band playing called special guest and they played christian rock. they sounded awesome. so now its another monday, just one more monday gone of a series of mondays that are dwindiing down to the end of school. i dont know if that made sense to you, but it made sense in my head.
im out l8r