Jun 09, 2010 22:24
And I'm totally excited for it. I'm not saying that I hate working or anything like that... I LOVE work. Honest. But I'm also finding that I really enjoy this whole 4 day work week, 3 day weekend thing I have going on. I love being more relaxed, not stressed out (although there is still stress at times, but not nearly the same caliber as junior year), and taking time for myself. Getting to do things I want to do. Having the freedom to be a lazy bum for a bit and not constantly be on the go, go, go.
I've been feeling very accomplished and productive this week. After getting frustrated with myself for being a lazy bum every day after work (and I was. Facebooking for hours on end can only go so far.), I gathered up my energy and courage and decided to do stuff. So, what have I been doing? Well, this week I've mostly been sewing. I finished two of the skirts tonight, which I consider a HUGE accomplishment. I may post pictures later if I get around to taking some, but it's not that high on my priority list. I also finished them before 9 tonight. Whoo me!!
I did get a bit of knitting in after work today before coming home, but I'm planning on picking the needles back up tomorrow night. I also really want to get back into reading, but there only seems to be so much time in the evenings. Maybe this weekend will present some quality reading time?? I can only hope.
Work has been going well. I've been as energetic as ever. This summer seems to be the Summer of Arts and Crafts Librarianship..... which really means I look for any means possible to incorporate arts and crafts time into my days. So far, I've been pretty successful. I also located an article I'm excited to read tomorrow about utilizing archives in undergraduate research. Yeah, I'm a nerd. I'm over it. I'm hoping it will give me some greater insight to the whole archival studies world and help me figure out if it's right for me or not. So many choices..... so few grad school credits.
I also need to locate patterns for knitted flowers. Ready, set, Rav!
Also, my boyfriend is an absolutely amazing person, and I'm very proud of him. That is all.
st. louis,