Jul 18, 2004 02:00
This message was also posted in the SIS IC and OCC groups on Yahoo.
Greetings my friends, and my family,
It saddens me to deliver this news, but earlier this month I resigned and withdrew myself from the core personal staff of Six Stones. I have gone through many changes in my life recently, and due to circumstances away from Six Stones, I will no longer have the time to fulfill my duties and responsibilities. These changes are substantial in scope.
A few months ago, Mindy and I moved into our first house in southern Kansas City. We are still trying to settle in and I am still tackling the mastery of becoming a homeowner. Also a few weeks ago, I experienced a career change and I am now working as a Data Systems Specialist, for APU Solutions. This is a dream come true for me because I have wanted to get into the IT field for quite awhile and I have been working towards my CCNA certification. Also, this November, Mindy and I will be getting married. We have a long way to go in order to plan and organize this event.
I want all of you to know that you are my family, and I am now hoping to go to conventions as a player. I will no longer bore any of you with the details of my life, but I wanted to thank all of you for some of my best memories and experiences. I have no regrets ever becoming a member of this team.