Jan 17, 2025 10:29
I pulled out of Facebook yesterday after a long and contentious relationship with them. The last straw was a notice from them that I had been suspended from their web page for some unspecified reason. The notice from them further advised me to call their 1-800 number for more information. So, not being particularly amused by this set of circumstances, I decided to part company with them permanently. I wandered through their pages and links trying to delete them from my participation with their group and finally had to Google them for more information. That led me back to Facebook where I clicked on this, that and the other to find out what I needed to do to get my account closed and deleted. This is no easy task, mind you, because their IT people have planted a set of land mines to systematically deter you from removing them from your life. Once you get to where you need to go, another battlefield of land mines is encountered to further discourage you from departing. Truth told, it's easier to cancel your cable service than to cancel and delete your Facebook service. Every time you click on a link to continue, you get four or five more dialog boxes to contend with. It was the usual "are you sure?" "Are you positive"? "Do you really want to?" "Are you aware that if you cancel us we will kill your mother?" "Why do you not want to continue our great service?" Let me tell you, there are more hoops to jump through than you can imagine. That, of course, kept making me more determined than ever to cut ties with these mother fuckers. In the end I finally cut through all the barriers and got my account cancelled and deleted. Did that finally end my connection with them? Oh no. Almost immediately an e-mail hit my mailbox. Yeah, they want me back. They even sent me a link that I can click on to get back into such a wonderful group. They further informed me that they're going to give me a thirty-day grace period to come crawling back to them. And no hard feelings as well. I have until February 15th to swallow my pride and come back home before they dump my ungrateful ass for good. Wow! Now I really feel like a shit kicker after they've been so good to me for all these years. But I think I'll get through all this. I'll just have to keep my doors locked and keep an eye out for some guy named Bruno looking for my mother.