Jan 10, 2025 17:41
Tom Waits has been called the all-time master craftsman of lyrics by James Hetfield of the rock group Metallica. High praise from somebody who never achieved shit for his own musical accomplishments, if he ever had any at all. He can and does play the guitar extremely loud to an audience of incoherent misfits that conned their parents out of money to attend one of their concerts. These groups care little to nothing about music that qualifies them to be billed as musicians. Their only focus is to make lines in their songs rhyme. They write a line that ends with the word "truck", and then spend the rest of the day or week attemping to find a word that sounds like "truck". Eventually someone will shout out, " Hey, I've got it, how about luck?" So the first line is "I bought myself a new pick-up truck" and then the next line is "When I go to Bingo I need some luck". It makes no sense, but at least it rhymes. The hop heads will understand it, we'll bank a million or two, and then we'll move on to our next big hit. As you may have guessed, this is not an endorsement of what qualifies as songs in the music industry today. Rather it's a condemnation of it. It has sunk to a new low, and the more it sinks, the bigger the profits. So it continues to sink to ever new depths. Perhaps the times will change for the better some day, but not likely in my lifetime. It's too far down to rise up in two or three generations.