(no subject)

Mar 11, 2010 17:06

a couple of years ago, out of boredom, i signed up to get notices of sexual offendors who move into your neighborhood. i was astounded to see that in a mile radius of my apartment complex, (including one in my complex) were more than 50 registered offendors, the majority having been convicted of sexually assaulting children. reno is just a big hick town, so you may imagine how this extrapolates across the country. something is fundamentally wrong with this society. but the thing that really blows my mind is the consistently mild sentences these monsters get. of all crimes possible, there is none worse than sexually assaulting a child. regardless of how much help the victim eventually gets, they will always be fucked up on some level in one way or the other. what could be worse than stealing someone's childhood and fucking their mind up permanently? steal 50,000 dollars and see how much time you get. fuck a ten year old and you could be out in a couple of years. i cant help but think that lawmakers responsible for the leniency afforded child molesters must, on some level, feel that this is not such a big deal. i'd like to see all of those lawmakers raped. again and again.
statistics prove that these animals do not respond to treatment and given their freedom invariably offend again. i have total disregard for the fact that they meet the criteria for psychological disorders. so what? a ratttlesnake in your garden who strikes you  on the ankle is just being a rattlesnake, but you deal with that by killing the snake. why they do it and will do it again is an entirely irrelevant issue. even if they gave all these monsters a life sentence without possibility of parole, you and i have to pay for their upkeep. do you like contributing to the welfare of child molesters? i sure as fuck don't. there is only one way to be certain they never offend again. and to avoid having to support these animals for the rest of their lives. it is a hell of a lot cheaper and the only cure available. immediately after conviction they need to be marched back to a room with a concrete floor and a drain in the floor and have their brains blown about. a heavy calibre bullet costs about fifty cents. then you will stop reading all these appalling stories about these assholes on parole, who are not adequately supervised, who rape and kill several children before they are caught again. we have to kill all of them. i assure you i would have absolutely no problem pulling the trigger. it is the most dire shame on our legal system that these bastards dont at least go to prison for the rest of their lives. they should have to wear shirts with "baby raper" stenciled on them. and forced to mingle in population.
rant over.
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