Mar 29, 2011 10:15
Thankfully the sun is out! That itself makes me feel 10x better. i just love it. I am also not online as much now which is good.
So this past weekend I thought I would at least TRY the pet photo job before I turned it down and what a farse. Two 8 hr days and I did nothing but watch the damn lady. They wouldn't let me touch the camera. Yet they had expected me to be on my own this coming weekend. Screw that shit. Plus I am not about to travel hella far for a job, to sit alone for 8 hrs and to bombard people shopping so they will do pictures. I just can't do that to people. I also hate lying to them, they are for sure money hungry. I am very excited for the dog park job, can't wait for it to begin.
NYC trip coming up. I really wish I would not of got tickets to go. Everything is just falling apart from this. I am scared shitless of Flo and Danny is being a douche. It costs a ton to cancel it completely.... IDK. My head hurts thinking about it.
Gus hopefully has a home... a friend of my moms has a friend who wants a dog, his size, age and a mix. She has no other dogs so its really perfect. It better pan out, he is turning into quite the ass to Dodger and I can't take much more of it. I really wish my family cared about training and such, we would have such a well behaved pack of dogs.... but I just give up here, its pointless to waste my time and effort. I really need to move out ASAP. I miss the townhome. I am sick of living with my dumbass brother. Mom thinks we can travel together? She is on pot or something clearly....
My other brother has pink eye and I feel bad for him but it suks because my severe germaphobia is making it hard to be a PCA. I am making mom do his drops. I seriously can't. It was such a ordeal for me to take a shower even. I have a feeling this germ thing is gonna be reallly really awful in another year or so. It seems to get worse by the day. I refuse medication though.
Dodger is back to his crazy self...yay! Yesterday he did laps and laps in the yard. Seriously funny. I love my crazy and funny dog. Not sure what else to mention, other than, holy crap its almost April!!!! This year has seriously flown by so far! CRAZY!!!!