
Oct 30, 2012 14:04

I just wasted a half hour of my life trying to explain to a gentleman on G+ that he should put the blame for ObamaCare squarely where it belonged: on its creator Mitt Romney.

Because all the "worst" features of ObamaCare, such as the individual mandate, were lifted clean from RomneyCare -- which Romney created and signed into law when he was governor of Massachusetts.

The guy kept saying "but Obama signed it into law" and "Romney wasn't in power" and seemed completely unable to comprehend that this is something Romney did as governor. Even though I dug up a number of links comparing the 2 plans he still refused to believe that Romney would have anything to do with such "socialist" legislation.

Well, the answer is it's not socialist, because the real beneficiaries are insurance company owners and shareholders. Premiums in Massachusetts are among the highest anywhere, have increased steadily, and are expected to double between now and 2020.

I don't know what the answers to the health care problems are -- said problems IMHO being access, cost, and quality of care -- but I do know that for-profit medicine is a disaster for the patients. One of the worst things to happen to health care was to let MBAs start running hospitals as businesses instead of having doctors run them as hospitals.

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