Lately I’ve found that every conversation that I have starts out with an apology from yours truly. I don’t exactly know how that happened, but here I stand with my proverbial hat in my hand asking for a pardon from the governor.
It’s pretty to think that you can retain friendship after a marriage. It’s a nice thought, but I don’t think it’s possible to really have a truce of sorts. You make the effort when you have children, you play nice, you have civil conversations over coffee and you nod very seriously at each other when discussing “the child.” I don’t know where you can go from there.
There’s the big myth that you have about being friends before being more than friends. I married my best friend. It was never a question of if but when. Funny. She wanted the movie contracts for me even more than I did. I suppose this is what happens when you get what you ask for. If things continue to go in this manner, I doubt I’ll have a best friend.
The decision to relocate back to Australia hangs in the balance with neither one of us willing to initiate the argument again. I have a feeling it will come down to paper, scissors, rock. When in doubt, avoidance is the key to happiness.
See, now this is interesting. I joined the
crypticmeanings community because I like to be in the know. I’m not sure if I buy it. I’m glad that people are actually participating in one of these things, but how is it being cryptic if everyone knows that you’re being cryptic?
Let’s face it. “If you move against my friends, you move against me” is not really a cryptic statement, is it? That’s pretty straightforward to me and not at all cryptic unless you believe that leaving out the name of the understood ‘you’ is cryptic. Chances are, the understood ‘you’ knows exactly that the message is directed to them.
Not knocking anyone’s hobby, but really, if you’re going to be cryptic, then have a field day with it. Some of the best cryptic statements are hidden in plain sight. It’s sort of like saying that many truths are said in jest.
Believe it or not, I have not said a single cryptic thing in this post, though I did meet my quota of saying the word “cryptic” at least ten times.
Gearing up for the Tony Awards. I'm not holding a torch for a win, but hosting should be a change in pace. I'm really starting to hate the high kicks. Don't even get me started on "I Go To Rio."