Doesn't this make like the 20th new live journal you have made? or maybe it just seems that way because everyone else changes once a week..ha..But i'm going to add you even though I hardly talk to you..or for that hardly know you..haha..<3 Much Love
hey let me let y0u in 0n a little secrete y0u sh0uld talk t0 tyler... b/c he is still g0ing 0ut with j0rdan he never br0ke up with her...just t0 let ya kn0w...
yea he just called me and t0ld me that he br0ke up with her last night... but al0t 0f stuff that he says is bullshit b/c i just called j0rdan and she said that never happened... but idk.. im staying 0ut 0f this i d0n't like tyler and he d0n't like me... and if y0u d0n't believe what he ever says i will tell y0u pe0ple that will tell y0u the truth.... <3 sry f0r any enc0venience....
Comments 7
actually its only the 4rth. haha.
but okay ill add you back.
love ya ♥
♥ Rianna-June
<3 sry f0r any enc0venience....
♥ you.
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