Dec 26, 2014 00:08
My very first time hosting Christmas! Started impatiently as usual waking up every hour before th alarm went off. Chritmas is the one day of the year where excitement wakes me up early.
Pesents with parents, then H's family arrived. Spent an hour supervising an activity tresure hunt around the house with the niblings, cunningly planned to end with the adults getting involved in the round where you have to name th carols from the second line of the second verse. This was the same ativity list we had used two weeks earlier with our friends-party, only with the characters removed (in the earlier game Odin won, so Yule will be making a comeback), and each activity had a clue as to the location of the next one. In case anyone was wondering, they managed to stuff 80 items inbside the stocking.
I snuck off to move the oven food conveyer belt from turkey to veg while everyone was guessing the carols - Mum always seems to panic and spend hours in the kitchen over Christmas, I'm not sure why ;) Then presents, and lunch! Big lunch, seemed to go down well; we shall be eating turkey sandwiches for a few days. Our crackers contained balloons and instructions for making balloon animals. H's brother made a green dog, and H made a pink swan.
Then we went to the park, niblings seemed to have fun (yes ok, so did I, I love swings and climbing frames and things), and we played with toy rockets for a while before coming home - I'm liking living next door to a park and lots of trees! Then I played the piano and we sung carols,followed by a sword fight with the cardboard tubes from the wrapping paper, then H's family left to go home.
Had a nap, then some turkey sandwiches, watched Doctor Who and QI. I liked Doctor Who; not as downbeat as recent episodes, but scary in the middle. So, yeah; did All The Christmas, it was good, and now it is done. Merry Chritmas to all, and to all a good night!