May 16, 2005 21:45
I had a good day today..yay. I teched for Off The Rack and then went to Jenny's house with Jeanne...and then we went to Gary's Pet Jungle :D I got two fishies..after that we went to Speedway and decided to name the fishies Decaf and Dark Roast...and then we went to my house and drank soda...and Jeann'es mom picked us up and at Jeanne's house I fell out of the car lol it was funny..and Jenny got nasty snails for her Betta tank...they're fishies are cute though. One's like whitish and the other one is half white and half bright bright orange.. it's beautiful. And then we went to Walgreen's and got a new notebook thingie cause me and Jenny used all the pages in our yellow one...and now Jeanne's gonan write in it too. I'm tired and I need to take a shower.